Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer




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Comment by Dr. Foley A. Parker on October 8, 2010 at 12:11pm

In the year of our Lord 2010

As Sons of God continue to arise in the earth today as 'the true' continues to separate from 'the
false.' Those who yearn for truth find it increasingly difficult to be in the presence of anything false,
as the level of tolerance for such decreases daily. Equally so, those steeped in religion and its
deception, or the spirit of anti-Christ, find themselves at odds with those who proclaim to live by
the leading of the Spirit (every word that proceeds from the mouth of God). Think it not a strange
thing that this is happening, but recognize the times in which we are now living. Recognize where
you fit (who you are spiritually joined to, and where you are physically called) during this critical
hour, 2010 is a year of positioning for what will happen beyond this calendar year, This is not a
time for hesitation if indeed you have heard God, To be out of position at the end of this year will
be costly.

God is in the process of establishing "a Church without spot or wrinkle." Many will be shocked
to find that this temple is not the physical, social, or denominational edifice now claiming to be the
Church, The true Church is made up of living stones, whose leading is the Spirit of God, whose
sole purpose is His Glory. The true Church will usher in the next great move of God; and this
move will be accurately called "The Kingdom of God." "The whole creation is groaning for the
manifestation of the Sons of God, as God's Kingdom is forcefully advancing, and violent men
(yielded vessels) are taking it by force."

The Kingdom of God is emerging in the earth, not as a descending Kingdom but as an ascending
one, as the Sons of God birth the Kingdom on earth by simply 'hearing and obeying.' Even now,
the Kingdom confronts the World's System with devastating effects. Every thing that can be
shaken is being shakened, as the fire of God separates the works of men from the works of God.

God is calling True Sons, those who have learned that of themselves they can do nothing; those
who have learned to only move by a proceeding Word from the Father; those who have
experienced the Kingdom through much trials and tribulation; those who have abandoned the
arena of logic and reason, consequently finding purpose and destiny in hearing and Obeying

True Sons have come to realize that no man can have faith for what he has not heard the Father
say (to him specifically). True Sons know that faith can only come from having heard God
personally, who know that the logos confirms what God's Spirit speaks. True Sons are moving in
discernment, trusting the God (in them) and not themselves. True Sons are leaders who are not
deterred by men or circumstances, having advanced to a point in which their very lives have
become less important than Glorifying the God they serve. True Sons have made the great
exchange -their life for His.

True Sons do not fall for the tricks of the anti-Christ spirit so prevalent in the earth today; a spiritso deceptive that the very elect would be deceived were it possible. True Sons can see a false
prophet (and his bondage), while others buy into his lies, manipulation, and self-serving purposes.
True Sons recognize that those who have overcome have done so by the blood of the lamb and
the words of their testimony. True Sons recognize that one's testimony (his life) and his words
MUST ALIGN to effectively minister truth; that no man can take you where he has never been.
True recognize that Truth is not revelation until it is walked out in their own lives. True Sons do not
seek a name or to be recognized by attachment of some title or accolades, but find their peace in
the God in them and whatever lot in life He ascribe for them.

True Sons never strive, but know the meaning of entering into His rest. True Sons are not lazy butlive a disciplined life spiritually, and mentally. True Sons recognize that HOLINESS is internal not
external. True Sons exhibit the character of God and arrive at a maturity level of Sonship based
upon years of yeldedness. Ture Sons will not compromise God’s Truth.

As Sons are increased in the earth, the Kingdom of God will become evident as those in
obscurity are brought forth. Birthing Sons is the mantra of present day Kingdom walkers. The
Army of God is walking in His planned strategy for Victory as those He ‘CALLED’ Sons
begin to connect with those with whom the Father of Creation has joined them to. Think it
not a strange thing! Yield to the urges God has placed within you without fear of rejection,
history, personality, socio-economic issues, or any such thing, 2010 is a year of


Foley A. Parker

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