Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer
( Estd@2003, March 9th )
( Pastor. B.Hosanna Founder & Director )
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I take this as my privilege, introducing my Lord’s work “Christ Glory Fire Ministries” and my “testimony” in to your kind notice. I am Pastor Hosanna, working at village called Pulletikurru, located in East Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh, India. I born and brought up in an orthodox Hindu family and was practicing the Hindu system Idol worship and leading many to observe the Hindu culture rituals. My father and all my family members are Hindu religious Teachers working in Hindu Temples. As I to practiced the same from my childhood reciting all the Hindu dogmas, they expected that I would be their successor to continue as Hindu priest, to lead many people to Hinduism. Strictly I was kept within the four walls, not allowed to go anywhere to see anything at outside world. At the age of 19 years, I went out secretly along with my childhood friends to see the outside world. I was taken by friends to one public place, there was huge crowd gathered, latter I came to know that it was a Christian meeting going on. The speaker on the stage preaching that “There is only one God and Christ is our Savior Man made Idols never be considered as gods. They have eyes but cannot see, have mouth but cannot eat, have nose but cannot smell, have legs cannot move BUT there is salvation in Christ through living God”. I got angry hearing those words. My friends left me and joined in the crowd. Silently I left that place and came back to home, but whole night I spent sleepless thinking over those words. Those words are repeating and resounding with echo. My strong opinion is Christ is not God of India but foreigners, only Hindu gods are for Indian people. I woke up early, and went in to our Temple. I started calling all our deities one after one to speak to me directly but there was no response from any Idol. Finally I decided to call Jesus, thinking he should reply me if he is real God. I started calling, miraculously I could hear a low and gentle voice “my son I have chosen you to become my vessel to do my service among Hindus, And He spoke to me showing the verse that Go ye all in to the nations and proclaim the Word of God.” That is day is turning point in my life, our almighty God presented Himself to me in on 9th April 1997, and brought me out from that Hinduism spiritual darkness and delivered me from satanic bondage. I humbly submitted to the voice and dedicated myself to do His service for eternal life in Christ. I left my parents, left all my wealthy properties and came out with empty hands to do His service to this village, where I never seen before. I could experience God is anointing me to be as Apostle to many Hindus. God is so faithful to me in all these seven years, strengthening my work to expand many neigh boring villages and districts. Now I am with 15 branch churches and 20 Junior Pastors working in various places in our team. Our teaching is 1st Century Apostolic doctrine. Several times I was opposed by orthodox Hindu people, persecuted by rowdies. They plotted against me to send out from this village but God protects from all the evil. By faith I am continuing my ministry.
My Vision is
To Bring 1 Million souls to Christ
To Raise the Prayer Partner And Supporters Throughout The World.
To Establish 10 Bible colleges to prepare the efficient pastors
To Construct 500 permanent Church buildings.
To Provide bikes,drums,P.A. systems, Lights to 1000 Pastors and Evangelists.
To Buy a vehicle to send Film ministry teams to promote the Gospel to the rural people.
To Look after 50 orphans and to have our own campus for this growing ministry
To Conduct Pastors and Leaders conferences to strengthen the Church in India.
To Distribute 20,000 gospel tracts and 10,000 Holy Bibles.
To Conduct VBS ( Voluntary Bible Classes ) to Children and Youth.
Our Present Needs Are:
25 Cent own land cost of USD 8.000.00
Important Church material cost of USD 1,500.00
20 Motor Bikes cost of USD 1,500 each
20 P.A. systems and Lights cost of USD 1,000 each
Need of a Car cost of USD 20,000
To support 25 widows monthly USD 30 each ( USD 30 x 25 = 800 per month )
Dear Brother in Christ, kindly pray for this our Faith ministry in India. And as God inspired, please stretch your helping Hands and uplift this Lord’s work to reach many more places to win many more souls. India is the true place where the harvest is plenty. Many are perishing not hearing the Gospel. Let us work together for the glory and expansion of Christ Kingdom.If You Want to Send Support Please Contact me to ,B.HOSANNA A/C NO, 21191000001440 HDFC BANK
Please send my loving greetings to your family and all the brothers and sisters with you in the ministry. Hope to hear from you soon…………………………….
Yours brother in his vineyard
Pastor B.Hosanna.Christ Glory Fire Ministries, Pulletikurru, Ambajipet(Mandal) ,East Godavari(Dt) Andhra Pradesh ,India Pin,533239,Cell +919951425777 ,+919849130296, +919908357754, www.christgloryfireministries.webs.com, My Youtube, " Christ Glory Fire Ministries " Or " Pastor Hosanna Bezawada " My Facebook, " Hosanna Bezawada ", My Skype, pastor.hosanna1, christglory2003@gmail.com, hosanna98gmail.com ,
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