Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

We find in the book of Genesis 2:17, "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it; for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." One tree that gives thee the sense of knowledge. That's what happend to Adam and Eve. The serpent convinced Eve, it won't hurt you. The devil tends to always challenge you and I with things and decisions. You ponder it and say, that makes sense. The bible tells us not to forsake the assembly of yourselves. But, I am tired; that makes sense. It's it going to be sense or spirit? There were doors clesed that were opened.; that don't make sense. When you use your intellect to try to understand the spirit realm, it just will not work. It is your choice to listen and obey God. It is your choice to read the scriptures and stand on God's word. God created us to be free well agents. The choice all of us must make is between self and God. Paul says everything I go to do, evil is always present. Nobody can drive two cars at the sometime. The bible tells us nobody can serve two masters at the same time. Child of God, God loves you and I so that He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to die on the cross and shed His blood for you. The Holy Ghost has come to live within you. To comfort you, to lead and guide you through this pligrim journey. Be destined to be lead to your destination on life's highway. God did not promise the road will be easy but, He did promise to be with you always. To deliver you through the storms of life. The word of God tells us, I have set before you life or death, blessings or a curse. Choose this day whom you will serve. Your choice will determine your destination. Continue to press toward the prize of the high calling of God. To live serving God and forever with God. Your walk today is a choice.

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