Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

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Jesus came to transform the Law through Grace

My young daughter asks my wife what she thinks of “Love is blind.”

Her answer was,” love is blind but you have senses and I laugh and add on the conversation, yes senses –see, smell, hear, touch, and taste. Then she asked me what do I think? I say your mother is too polite and very kind to say that, but I don’t agree, I say love is blind only for the blind man and women. Don’t gamble on marriage.

I am very amaze by the first Miracles that Jesus performed at the marriage feast on “the third day after Jesus’ baptism”. Turn water into wine. I think contains one of the most powerful messages in all of Scripture.

John is highly selective about the material that he includes, he is talking in symbols and philosophy and metaphor, John saw in the miracle at Cana a sign that served to define the very purpose for which Christ had come into the world.

Please read the biblical account Gospel of John Chapter 2 1~11.

Some leaders took Christianity with a heavy burden even today, man’s words were accepted over God's word, and the Church unwittingly stepped into the waters of deceit repeating what the self-righteous Pharisees did during Jesus time. They wash their hands diligently, holding the tradition of the elders and feeling these rituals are most important. They over exaggerate God’s requirement and over burdening the worshipers.

Today some churches put a lot of man made rules that is no difference to the rituals of the Pharisees in nature.

Wrong focus will give the followers wrong practices and imperfect perspective.

Here come our Lord Jesus using an auspicious occasion ….marriage to show us, been a Christian is moving into a transformation, from water into a wine. It is beautiful illustration of joyous occasion that the transformation will take place when Jesus redemptive activity is thrusted into center stage not the rituals……

Jesus did not use the metaphoric caterpillar, pupae and then turning beautiful butterfly. So many stages and complication!

Jesus said to servant "Fill the jars with water." And they filled them up to the brim.

Jesus takes that ritual water and turns into wine

I guess the late comer to the wedding don’t have to do the ritual washing anymore.

Jesus came to transform the Law through Grace...put God back into it...put love into it. Now you don’t just have water but fine wine.

It give taste, warm and the glow spreads and it free you to love ,laughter and fill with joy.

Jesus came to show God’s way and guide us to walk according God’s way.

Jesus is recorded as saying, “I have come that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” This statement, I believe, is what the miracle at Cana is all about.

Wine in Scripture is a symbol of joy and warmth and celebration and abundance. So my fellow Christian, Jesus has come with a Spiritual Recipe that will give you Spiritual Happiness.

So learn from the servant that the Lord come to us when we are open and receptive.

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