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There are many times in our life we experience storms in our lives.
More interestingly we ask our self how we handle it.
My friend, a house painter has great experiences, many a time in his life he prayed to God to send the rain away from the housing estate that he is painting on. Imagine the rain come the house wall will be
Washed and his day earning is wash away. God obliged and he was so pleased.
Yesterday as I was rushing to the airport with him to change a flight for a member of my mission team, the sky was heavy cast.
We feared that the heavy rain will create problem for our journey.
So my friend ask me to have faith in God, God will help us. As we reach the airport, he still walk out of the car with the umbrella in his hand just incase.
Anyway we change the ticket and get back to the car safely.
Thank God for that.
As we drive off there was in deed a very heavy down pour and as we drive along we could see flooding occurred at the opposite road.
But not on our return lane. It is amazing.
Then I question yourself why are were we carrying the umbrella when we alight the car, rushing to the airport terminal.
We know our Lord Jesus is always there for us because He loves us and yet we say just in case.
I ask him why he is with the umbrella in his hand when he say have faith. Maybe there are others praying and needed the rain badly.
God will help them for it is their lively hood. Em….mmm make little sense.
God just want us to experience the storm and stay strong.
I once start my second mission outpost. I lost my job,
So trouble in my heart but I still hang on to complete the job.
When I complete my job, I got a phone call asking me for
Interview and subsequently they hired me. Just imagine six
Months of laid off.
When Moses lead the Israelites out of Egypt, the Pharaohs
Army was after them, they ran and ran and eventually reach
The dead end the Red Sea.
Imagine only one chance left that is God's intervention......
The Red Sea parted and they were safe.
When storm comes, we are so confused, fearful, lost and
Behave faithlessly.
Let’s learn a lesson from the bible.
Do you ever expect obeying and following the word of God?
And meet a storm!!!
Yes our God is preparing you for the storms of your life.
Jesus said to his disciples, "Let's go over to the other side of the lake."
A simple assignment but a frightful experience
Imagine you follow the word of God and carried out the instructions.
Never can you imagine you soon meet a bad storm.
The boat being swamped by water and swaying side to side and up and down.
Fear creeps over them and they saw Jesus was fast a sleep.
At time we prayed and prayed and asked is God a sleep not hearing us.
Then they woke Jesus up from His sleep and say we are going to be drowned.
Jesus got up and rebukes the wind and the raging water, the storm subsided.
They were amazed. Jesus asked,"Where is your faith"
Luke 8:22-25 NIV)
One day Jesus said to his disciples,
"Let's go over to the other side of the lake."
So they got into a boat and set out. {23}
As they sailed, he fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake,
so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger.
{24} the disciples went and woke him, saying,
"Master, Master, we're going to drown!"
He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters;
The storm subsided, and all was calm. {25}
"Where is your faith?" he asked his disciples.
In fear and amazement they asked one another,
"Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him."
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