Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Let us take a moment today and look at the past week. By us I mean the body of Christ in a whole, thus the Church. Let us ask ourselves this question. Did the Church impact the world, or did the world impact the church? Taken from a fellow minister, this short question can say it all. The signs around us declare we are indeed close to the end times, and it is vital that we look at where our churches are going, and decide to make a move today to bring back what once was in the church of the past. The Word says God does not change, but if we stop and reflect on years past we will see my friends the church has. Yes many great things have been added, but the LORD leads me today to say " more bad has come in to our churches than good"

Where on earth, and in any religion can we find so many separated , divided bodies of people all labeling themselves under the same title - Christian. What is a Christian? A simply question easily answered by any Christian. They are followers of Christ..Amen. The next question would be how many doctrines did Christ preach? The answer to that is simply as well. He spoke and taught only one. If we simply read the red lettering in the New Testament we will see all the words of Christ. He taught of an on fire love for the Father, a love for our neighbors, and a dedication to holiness. Today the world is looking even closer at the works of the church, and what it is seeing my friends is not what it should. Have we gotten so tied up into our programs that we have forgotten the people, and the community? Are our biggest concerns getting new members, field trips for the kids, setting up entertainment, and finances, or is it as the Word describes “My house shall be a house of prayer". Do we carry the worship and prayers outside the church walls, or does it stop there? My brothers we have people right in our communities outside the doors of our churches that need Jesus more than ever. Reflect for a moment of the story of Jonah in the Bible. I have heard with my own ears the church pray for God to send them in, but my friends the Word says for us to go out. In Luke 14:23 and the lord said unto the servant, Go out unto the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.

These words are spoken in love, for the better good of the body of Christ. We have to find our way back to what God intended. Not what the world has created. No matter the reasons, the future is ours. It is up to us to make right the mistakes of the past, and seek God so that his glory may return to what sems now to be a church of man, not God. I heard a fellow preacher say to " run" from those things. Run from the churches that seek only entertainment and not holiness. Run from those that dont hold the whole bible as their guild .Run from preachers and politians that say one thing and live another.. run!. This preacher was Carter Conlon. Brothers and sisters it is up to us, and the very next generation ( our children) to show the world the truth of Jesus Christ, and what he came to do. This is no game, and this is no fairytale. Jesus is coming back for his church, and I know each of us want to hear him say to us “Well done my good and faithful servant". The word says many are called but few are chosen. By the grace of God I want to be one of those chosen..Amen. I urge all church and ministry leaders to pray and consider these short words. We must be united, we must be one. It was Jesus’ will that this be done The word says in Matthew 12;25 And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand. Many say that the church can not be destroyed by Satan, and they are correct, but the church my friends is the body of his true followers. There are brothers and sisters mingled in the many denominations to one day be called into his one pure and spotless bride.

Richard A. Kent

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