Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Where are we today in our spiritual walks? Are we walking with a Holy God, or have we chosen to skip down the path of destruction with those that ignore the existence of God. Let us for a moment ,look at the mirror on the wall and upon ourselves, and ask ourselves what we see, and let us ask God, what he sees in us. Did we do all we can today for the cause of Christ, or did we simply put the cares of this world in front of the salvation of God's people, and his will? Has our churches and ministries become more important than the following the will of God? Do we weep anyone, and cry out for the salvation of the lost, or do we attempt to simply set up another program for the entertainment of Godless people. Is it truth today that the Church is now married to the world? My brothers and sisters in the LORD we are indeed at war. The enemy of God has indeed mingled with the saints, and is like a wolf in sheep's clothing. Many of the once true men and women of God are now sitting at the tables of devils, and have lost the passion that once burned within them.

When was the last time we visited a lost soul, picked up a brother or sister in the LORD that has fallen? ignoring the gossip of the world, and walking on the battlefield for the salvation of the lost, went after that child that everyone says is unsavable? Has the enemy taken your fight, have we grown stale in our faith? The time is indeed near, God has begun gathering his true body for his soon return. The word says he is coming for his spotless bride. Are we spottless today? If in our hearts we know we are not where we should be today, let us once again plead that blood of Jesus over our sins and again pick up the spiritual sword God gave us when we began. The Word of God is our sword. The more we know it; the sharper it is, and the more we know how to use it. Without a complete knowledge of the Word, we can not be all that God wills us to be. The enemy of God -Satan, knows the word, he knows how to twist the word to fit his purpose. If we don't know it, we can very easily be deceived.

For each person that God looked upon and saved, that person whom was taught the truth of salvation and was given grace to be forgiven. This call is to you, and to the call to walk onto the battlefield of the LORD. If you are young in the faith, then God has called you to pray. The body of Christ and the warriors of God need all the prayers they can receive..amen. For those that know, it is our duty to stand, and be accounted for. It is time for the voices to be heard, and for the prayers of the saints to once again shake the ground at the Devils feet. This is not about a religion ,or a certain church, or even a social clique.This is a God thing. A movement led by the Holy Spirit. I ask you today, are you up for the challenge? Is God real enough in your life to lay down the things of this world and walk as the LORD you serve said to walk. Jesus Christ did indeed turn over the tables when he saw wrong doings. Now it is time to turn over a few ourselves.Are you ready to on fire for Jesus, to let him fill you fully with his power? The Word says" to come out from among them". Are you ready to leave that stale place, and behold his glory once again? Simply reach your hand to Heaven, and receive what God has for you today

Richard A. Kent

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