Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Father God we come to lift up your name, We come to call on your Jesus Christ of Nazareth for the lives of our brothers and sisters in need. Father let us not be harsh and misjudge a situation, but show your love, and speak life into them. Forgive us Father God for be misguided, judgemental, and harsh. Forgive us Lord Jesus and grants us more wisdom, understanding, gentleness, love, self control, patience, humility and knowledge on how to be more life Jesus. Show how to be a conduit of your precious LOVE Jesus. Let us listen to them and hear their heart not give our opinion but just be there to help along the way. Because we know with lovingkindness you draw us....let us manifest love in their lives by a kind word, or a jester. Father God in the name of Jesus let our tongue bring healing for the tree of life, let our mouths build up others. Father God let our light shine so bright that it would lead them to everlasting love in your Christ Jesus. We come today to life up the family of the young woman who life was taken by fire....we come to lift up families that are unable to take care or provide for themselves, We come to lift up single mothers and fathers trying to raise their children. We come because your word says we should provide for widows and children. We come to lift up the US and especially Philadelphia that they would become more aware of the needs of families especially during this winter. Father God we come that no more lives would be taken because of the cold. We come to lift up case workers, DHS, social workers, the mayor and counsel members in the name of Jesus. We come because their in a breech in caring for our children. We come because you Father God gave us the power and authority to make things as they where. We come because our children need an Advocate a voice to be heard for them. We come to lift up the blood stain banner for our children in schools, in government, in society. We come to rebuke the devil and let him know the blood of Jesus is against them. We come to declare victory in the lives of every young person in the United State. We come to declare victory in the name of Jesus for change, deliverance, provision, healing, and salvation. We come to declare this is a generation that will serve, love and honor you in the name of Jesus. We come to but the devil on the run....We come to proclaim good tiding to our young people. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus have your way in these your children and their parents, grandparents, foster parents, or caregivers' lives. Manifest your glory, in the US and the nation for our Young people. We declare your glory in their lives today!!!! We come that they would have rest, peace, love, hope, faith, joy and the holy Ghost. We come that every runaway would find a place of safety. We come that every young person turn to a life of crime would be given a better solution, we come that every child that feel unloved would be loved by an almighty God. We come that every child contemplating suicide would find Jesus and his outstretch arms. We come because we can, we come because your word tells us not to suffer the children to come unto you...We come because you are their life line Jesus and you alone care. We come lifting up the name of Jesus that you would draw every boy, every girl, every teenager, and ever young adult into the ark of safety.. We come because we know before we spoke it you are already answering, providing and moving in the heavenlies for this your young people in the US, and other nations. We thank you in advance for your love, we thank you in advance for inclining your ears to hear our hearts prayer for the YOUTH, we thank you for moving, shifting and changing the hearts, minds and directions of your young people in Jesus name. We come because we know it not over to you JESUS say it over. We thank you because we know VICTORY is ours and We thank you because you are giving them a heart of flesh to love and adore you Great Jehovah...We seal this petition with a hallelujah thank you Jesus we worship your holy name. Hallelujah thank you Jesus...thank you, Amen, Amen, Amen!!!!

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