Father God I bless your holy name this morning, I shout with a voice of Triumph for you alone LORD know the plans you have for me; plans to prosper me and not harm me, Hallelujah for no weapons formed against me shall prosper because of my God and as I wait patiently in your presence obedient and watchful as you direct my path, I rejoice O’LORD for nothing can separate me from your love, hallelujah. Nothing/nobody can harm me for you are Refuge and my Strength ever presence God in my times of trouble and I know you will hiding under the shadow of you Almighty wing, so I rejoice LORD for you LORD have declared the plans to prosper me in whatever my hands find to do to bring you glory and bring your kingdom in the earth, so I rejoice for you alone LORD have been FAITHFUL unto me LORD you have keep me from the hands of the wicked you have protected me and overthrown the violent man, so I rejoice for you have always had my best interest at heart.
LORD you have always know what was best for me, so I rejoice as I except what you allowed LORD knowing you had me covered in the blood of Jesus, secure, Hallelujah! For you are the LORD of host, hallelujah and I thank you Jesus for you alone know my beginning and my end, you LORD Jesus are the author and finisher of my faith, hallelujah so I rejoice in the times of trouble and I rejoice knowing the water will never overtake me and the fire shall never consume me for THOU ARE LORD and SAVIOR over my life.
Adonia you are my Master and you know what tomorrow holds for me so I don’t have to worry, hallelujah just trust that you LORD know the way that I must go so I rejoice as I partake at the feast with my LORD as I eat of your goodness and taste of your grace, and rejoice! Lord I rejoice for you thoughts towards me is of peace, hallelujah the enemy wish to sift me as wheat but you prayed for me that my faith would not fail me, you LORD JESUS interceded on my behalf when the weight of the world got to heavy you came and rescue me from my despair, so I rejoice knowing you love for me in endless, pure and true.
LORD my JESUS you love me flaws and all, hallelujah for when I take of the mascara in your presence and let the tears of worship flow you bottle them so rejoice; when I run into your arms you SO STRONG AND MIGHTY you catch me every time never alone my foot to be move or me to fall, hallelujah so I rejoice in the knowledge that you declared peace in my mind, my heart and my soul the peace that passes all understanding; the peace that get the joy bells to ring in my soul, hallelujah so I rejoice in thee, O’LORD for THOU ARE LORD OVER MY LIFE.
LORD you are my everything and everything I ever needed or wanted is in thee, O’LORD! As I return to the place I first believed and become a FAITH WALKER not moving by sight but the knowledge that there is nothing IMPOSSIBLE for my GOD, hallelujah so I rejoice knowing you are able to do exceeding abundantly more that I ask or think, so I rejoice today either in the exceeding greatness of your power towards me because I believe hallelujah, so I rejoice today in thee O’LORD. I thank you LORD today for hope in every hopeless situation, I thank you LORD for giving me eyes to see the hope that I have in thee, hallelujah!
I thank you LORD for giving my heart joy knowing my hope is build on nothing less that JESUS blood and his righteousness; as I trust and lean on JESUS name, hallelujah! I rejoice today hallelujah I thank you Jesus for the grace of our Lord is exceeding abundant as my faith and love grows each day in Christ Jesus, hallelujah. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope in thee O’LORD my hope lays in thee O’Lamb of Calvary , hallelujah.
LORD knowing nothing can separate me from the love of Christ Jesus not famine, not disappointments, no heartache, not lies, not deceptions, not cheating, not anger, not unforgiveness, not jealousy, not frustration, not burden untold, not depression, not separation, not divorce, not rejection, not unemployment, not homelessness, not rape, not abuse, not disobedience, not rebellion, not shame, not unsurity and not doubt/fear for I give you my heart today. So LORD I rejoice today at the plans you have for me, I rejoice at your plans knowing that are good and knowing I will be complete in thee, O’LORD! HALLELUJAH I BLESS THAT WONDERFUL NAME, JESUS FOR YOUR PLANS FOR ME, HALLELUJAH
O’LORD THAT YOU WOULD SEARCH ME OUT AND TRY ME LORD AND SEE IF THERE BE ANYTHING IN ME THAT IS UNLIKE YOU, I GIVE YOU MY HEART FOR CLOSE EXAMINATION THAT YOU WOULD SEE THE HIDDEN THINGS AND BRING THEM TO LIGHT today, so I rejoice as you cleanse me of all unrighteousness, hallelujah for my hope is in a forgiving God who holds no grudges and keep no list, hallelujah, I thank you Jesus for washing me whiter than snow as I run in your presence so I rejoice today in thee as I rejoice that the blood done signed my name and no man can pluck me out of you hand, JESUS!
Yes LORD JESUS I rejoice, hallelujah for a future in thee that expect end is to see JESUS to behold your glory to throw my crowns at you as we on the great getting up morning CROWN THEE KING OF Kings, Hallelujah so I rejoice that I will get my inheritance which is eternal life, hallelujah that my purpose will be fulfilled in thee to go ye out in the highway and byway and comply MEN/WOMEN/BOYS/GIRLS to be saved, hallelujah thank you Jesus as I rejoice in the knowledge that Jesus is mine and I am his that Jesus is my bridegroom and I am his bride, hallelujah as I walk down the isle in Victory for Victory is mind today in thee Jesus, and your plans of my life are filled with promise of Yea and Amen, hallelujah I rejoice in Jesus name I pray, praise, worship today. Amen, Amen, Amen
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