Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Wave » by Mark)

The 23rd song written for the « 30 Songs for the Sunny Season » project is entitled « A Tide Of Positive Change » and was completed on March 24th, 2013.

The aim here was to come up with an inspiring and energetic song that can uplift the listener into an optimistic frame of mind. Considering the comments offered so far when I played it in public spaces, I'd venture to say that this particular objective has been achieved.

No audio nor video clips are available at this point as my game plan for this summer is to make the most of the sunny days and go out busking as often as practicable. In my crystal ball I can foresee myself switching into demo-producing mode sometime around mid-September. That being said, if you've been following my activities of the last few years or so, you know how reliable my crystal ball can be. But there's always hope, right ?

verse 1
there's a river running over
the consequences of your errors
putting out all the fires
that burn the fruits of your labours

you gotta wish it up muse it up
build it up to live it up
you gotta wish it up work it up
build it up

pre-chorus 1
trust in the dream that flows in you
parts of it stream inside me too
when it's ready let it be true
it'll sweep you off outta the blue

verse 2
this turning point you're pining for
is closer than ever before
never lose sight of the plot
and strike the iron when it's hot

you gotta keep going believing
the ending will be amazing
you gotta keep going believing
keep going

pre-chorus 2
trust the feeling inside of you
the water is flooding me too
out with the old in with the new
this current will bring me to you

verse 3
you've done your best you've passed the test
enjoy the rest you're being blessed
you've wished it up, you've built it up
now live it up

pre-chorus 3
trust the feeling inside of you
the water is flooding me too
out with the old in with the new
this current will bring me to you

no way to stop
this tide of positive change
the surf is up
let the wave rearrange
cream of the crop
time to reap your reward
expect the top
you have worked so hard


The « 30 Songs for the Sunny Season » series presents songs written in the aim of building a repertoire of originals that require only guitar and vocals, without additional arrangements, and thus can be performed in a busking context.

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