Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Spirit of the Night » by John Atkinson Grimshaw)

« Perfect Magic » is the 9th opus penned for the « 30 Songs for the Sunny Season » project. It was completed on February 6, 2013, and is the first new piece to follow the compositional rush that led to the « The Abode Of The Blessed » EP.

The lyrics were written in an « everything happens for a reason » frame of mind and aim to hint at how each and every life, even the apparently disadvantaged, is blessed with the loving support of the underlying intelligence that unites and animates all beings.

Although they are presented as separated in written form, the pre-chorus really evolves into the chorus, both lyrically and musically, and so the boundary between the two is not that clear-cut when I perform it. The current structure is basically verse -> pre-chorus -> chorus which means that the pre-chorus -> chorus sequence is heard four times overall. I'm sometimes under the impression that this might be one time too many, so the song will probably be edited before it is properly recorded.

« Perfect Magic » has the distinction of often serving as icebreaker whenever I go play in public places. Not that it is the easiest song of my repertoire, but it surely is one I am most comfortable playing.

verse 1
in this infinite world there's a man named Joe
really he's a boy with a thirst to know
when it was time for school he had no chance to go
it's so tough when you're coy to get out of skid row

verse 2
in this infinite world there's a woman named Lynn
really she's a girl whose broken heart has caved in
the onions and the garlic she overeats everyday
are no treats for her health but it keeps most people away

verse 3
in this infinite world there's a prime minister
people will tell you that he's an impostor
they haven't realized that indeed he is there
only to spur them to rise against all that's unfair

verse 4
in this infinite world all is in its good place
and everything unfolds at the proper pace
miracles occur as we intertwine
apparently apart but part of yours is part of mine

yet it's hard to outgrow
what you're unaware of
when you're blind as life shows
the true meaning of love

that there's a cause for all things
and it's understanding
that it's part of the plan
try to trust 'til you can

life will never forsake
whichever road you pick
at the best time you will awake
to this perfect magic


The « 30 Songs for the Sunny Season » series presents songs written in the aim of building a repertoire of originals that require only guitar and vocals, without additional arrangements, and thus can be performed in a busking context.

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