Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

"According To Your Faith"

Matt. 17:20 'You didn¹t have enough faith,' Jesus told them. 'I assure you,
even if you had faith as small as a mustard seed you could say to this
mountain, Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be
impossible.' NLT

Sometimes we look at God like he is a man. We put limitations on him and
our expectations sometimes are very shallow when it comes to him. After
all, as far as we see it, it looks impossible at times. But there is a
supernatural element that God possesses that we must not deny. There are
blessings in him that are just waiting to explode into your life. There are
things that he is waiting for us to ask, that he would be happy to unleash
upon us. But it's according to our faith. Your faith is not based on your
belief that the miracle can or cannot happen, but your faith is based on
your belief in God. You cannot believe him for a blessing, but do not
believe him enough to worship him. You cannot ask God to heal you and not
believe him enough to even hear you. You cannot want from him over here, but
over there, you are not obeying him. Let's grow up Christians! The things
you do in faith represent your faith!

That mustard seed is very small, but it grows when it's planted and watered.
In other words, if you have a seed, it can grow into something. But if there
is no seed, nothing grows. Your mustard seed of faith must grow in time or
it will not produce. So, you cannot just expect God to do things if you are
not doing anything. In other words, your doing takes faith in his existence
and it exhibits faith. The bible says that to come to God, you must first
believe that he is whom he says he is. How do you do that? By hearing!
The bible says faith comes from hearing the word of God. When you read the
word, it testifies of him and speaks to you. It tells you what to do and
what not to do. It opens your eyes and your hearts so that you can be open
to receive from him. It shines light on your dark areas and directs you
onto the right path. The word is your faith builder. Believing God for a
blessing takes faith. The mustard seed represents your starting point.
That's your belief in him. And upon that, you can read the word and build
your faith. If you are asking God for some things and have some miracles
before him that you need, you must first show that he is God in your life by
following and obeying him. Don't be like the children of Isreal and just
wander around for 40 years going no where, and getting nothing unless Moses
got it for them. But grow up in your faith and serve God consistently. You
will then be able to speak to any situation and it will conform to your
words because your faith in God is only as strong as your relationship with

Suggested Reading: Matt. 8:10, Gal. 3:7, Col. 1:23, John 9:38

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