Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

"Pulling It Down"

2Cor. 10:4 '(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty
through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)'

A stronghold is a cave like the one David hid in from his son to protect his life.
It's a cave in the mountain where you could hide and then place a rock in
front of it to disguise it as the mountain. Once you were in there, no one
would know because the rock looked like the mountain. Well, in the spirit
realm, a stronghold is the same thing. It's a place where the enemy hides
in your mind. It's a place where he has access to you and can remain in
your life undetected because the area where he hides looks like the rest of
you. He puts a spiritual rock there to protect himself and make what he is
doing through you look like your personality or your character. So then, we
begin to claim it as "our struggle" or "our issue" and he hides in there
protected by our words (his rock). That's why some Christians struggle with
the same things over and over, because they have claimed it as a part of
them and cannot see the enemy hiding in there. But God says that our
weapons that he gives us are mighty and can discover where the stronghold is
and pull the rock out of it. This will expose the devil and then he can be
dealt with. You cannot deal with an enemy that you cannot see. That's why
it's so important to allow the power of God to pull down these strongholds
and deal with what is hiding in your mind.

You are not a liar, you are not a thief. You are not a gossiper, and you
are not a slut! You are not a homosexual or a lesbian. You are not a
backstabber, and you are not a murderer. You are not lazy and you are not a
deadbeat. You are not a bad mother or bad father. You are not a player and
you are not a failure. You are not a bad person. The stronghold of the
enemy needs to be pulled down so you can see that it is the enemy working in
your mind, causing you to accept something that you should not. It's not
you, it's the enemy working in you. But today, you must face the fact that
there is something wrong. That you are tired of dealing with the same
issues year after year, day after day. You must confront the enemy by the
Spirit of God and allow God to deal with this stronghold. Open your mouth
and confess it, get it out. You don't have to tell everyone, but you do
need to tell yourself. Acknowledge that there is something wrong and you
need God to deal with it. His power can pull down the stronghold, expose
the enemy and with the power of Holy Ghost, cast him out! You see, a 5 step
program, a teaching session, and all that fundamentalists stuff is good, but
only after the fact. Natural methods cannot destroy a spiritual stronghold
or yoke. The anointing is what destroys the yoke of bondage according to
the word of God. You must deal with this thing in the spirit realm once and
for all. That way, you can be free. You need deliverance, not a quick fix.
You need deliverance, not an excuse. The stronghold must be pulled down and
the enemy must be dealt with. Do not allow him access to your mind anymore.
Do not accept his agenda as a character flaw that you have. Accept nothing
from him. Pull it down and cast him out, and then walk in the victory that
belongs to you as a believer.
Suggested Reading: 1John 2:27, John 8:36, 2Cor. 10:5

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