Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

In America - the homeless go without eating, In America the elderly go without needed medicines.-In America The mentally ill will go without treatment. In America Our troops go without benefits they were promised. Yet we donate million of dollars to other countries before helping our own country. I do not like this Uncle Sam, I do not like his health care scam. I do not like the dirty crooks or how they lie and cook the books. I do not like when congress steals I do not like their secret deals. I do not like this president, man, I do not like his "Yes we can". I do not like this spending spree I'm smart I know nothing is free.  I do not like their smug replies,  when I complain about their lies. I do not like this kind of hope, I do not like it, nope, nope,nope. We cannot get a cost of living raise on our SS checks but they just gave theirselves a $3,000.00 a month cost of living raise. They took $9.00 off my food stamps cause of the cost of living. I would really love to see them live on $600.00 a month and a $130.00 food stamps a month.  here is some interesting facts facts about our leaders. Salary for a retired U.S. President $180,000.00 a year for life. For the house and senate $174,000.00 for life. Salary for speaker of the house$223,000.00 for life. Salary for Majority/minority leaders$193,000.00 for life. Average salary for a teacher$40.000.00 a year. Average salary for sholiders deployed in Afganistian$38,000.00. II think we found where the cuts should be.  I am an American citizen and proud to be an American, and I support and pray for our Military men and women in the Military. America we need to wake up and get these idoits that are running our Country voted out. When our fore fathers fought for this country they founded it on Christian values and George Washingtion said we are to have Christian Leaders to rule over our goverment. We don't have one Christian leader in the U.S. Goverment over seeing our Country. America is a proud People and we love our Country. I belive there are enough Christians in America that if we stand together with Prayer and Fasting we can take America back and God will release us of this curse He has on America. We Need GOD TO BLESS AMERICA AGAIN> Just my opinion. Lord Jesus I ask that we the people come together and get prayers and the Ten Commandments back in our schools and our goverment and to ban aboritions and same sex marriages. They are an abomination unto you. Amen

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