Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

In your eyes, what is a Christian? When a person says they are a Christian what do you expect to see? Should a Christian be like everyone else, or perhaps should they be extremely different. Is there such a thing as a radical Christian? The term Christian is taken from the belief of Christianity, meaning a Christian is a follower of the Christianity faith or simply Christ. To be a true Christian, one must be a follower of Jesus Christ. When we make the decision to accept Christ into our hearts, and into our lives we also accept the fact that it will also mean a change in ourselves. We thru the grace of our Lord Jesus are day by day changed into a person that can and will give glory to the risen Savior. The true Christian is a man or women that walk each step in the knowledge and understanding of how and why Jesus walked, and seeks to represent him just as he would have presented himself. We are to walk Christ-like. I can remember a funny saying, but so true. If you go to McDonalds’ a couple times a week it doesn’t make you a Big Mac, just as simply going to Church does not automatically make a person a Christian. To be a Christian is a true and out right dedication to a way of life demonstrated by Jesus Christ. We as Christians live and breathe for the glory of God, and seek each day to walk as he did. For he not only taught us how, but did so also in his own walk. Can a person be a radical Christian? If we are true to being “Christ-like’ then the answer to that question would have to be “no”. Rather if we are walking as Christ did, we will all be radical in everything we do for God. Christ himself turned over a few tables when he saw bad things going on in the church, and if we are true to him we will also not be fearful to turn a few over ourselves. Meaning if we are sincere we will walk with a fire for God and nothing else should do. We walk in love, and grace with a forgiving heart, but will give no ground to the enemy. The Word of God reads In 2 Corinthians 6: 17 Therefore, "Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you." The Word is saying here that we should be different than the rest of the world. It also reads in Revelations 3:16 about how God feels about whether or not there is such a thing as a radical Christian. It reads: So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth. God is saying here there if we are not what the term radical means today, then God will not accept us into heaven. There is no middle ground here, either we are on fire for God, or we are not. So in short when people look at us they should see something totally different than what they would see in the normal world. A true Christian will make all efforts to walk just as Jesus walked, yes at times they may fail, but Jesus in his grace will pick us up to start anew, and we as Christians should be an example to that for all our brothers and sisters who fall in the battle. We are truly our brothers’ keeper. We are Christians.
Richard A. Kent

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