Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

We tend to make intercession seem so much harder than it actually is. Sometimes we have to go back to where it all began. Sometimes all it takes is a simple...


Now I lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord my soul to keep, if I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take, God bless Mommy, God bless Daddy, God bless Sister, God bless Brother, God bless Grandma & Grandpa, and God bless my friends. In Jesus' name...oh wait and God don't forget my fish Lucy! Bless Lucy. In Jesus' name Amen!!


One of the greatest examples of intercession is the children's bedtime prayer. When you prayed this prayer, as a child,  you went to bed saying to God, even if I don't wake up I want you to bless my family & friends. And it didn't matter how long you were on your knees (or in some cases, how long you had your parents on their knees) you didn't get off your knees until you asked God to bless everyone and everything! And don't let you get in the bed and remember someone or something else, you got right back out the bed and knelt down again and asked God to bless some more people and some more things. And when you laid your head on your pillow you went right to sleep with no worries because you KNEW that God was going to do exactly what you asked Him to do.


The same God that answered your prayers when you were a child is the same God that can & will answer your prayers as a teenager & as an adult.


Happy praying!


Evang. Taneeka Frederick


Worshiping Warriors PRAY

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