Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Asking For A Miracle (revisited - with poetry)

The Miraculous Draft of Fishes » - Artist Unknown - photography by TTaylor)

« Asking For A Miracle » is a short instrumental arranged for acoustic instruments, and written in a time of dire need.

While working on the composition, I recalled a tarot reading I gave to the fiancée of my sole nephew, sometime after she had lost her first unborn baby. Although she never voiced her question, I felt that she was hoping to try to give birth again. The cards clearly told that the possibility was there despite what had gone wrong in the past, and that her attempt would be successful as long as she was willing to commit to the process and make the required sacrifices. I remember she was visibly moved by the reading and very happy about the possible outcome.

Her son, my sole grandnephew, is now three years old. The piece is dedicated to him.

The poetry has very little to do with that story. About half the stanzas have been written around the end of April, as observations on events and people in various online communities I am part of. The remainder have been inspired by interactions that took place in the recent weeks. In publishing the verses, it is my hope that some of the prayers and questions they voice will be answered.

sister Jo is in tears
her best friend died on her
after so many years
lost her fight to cancer
the ghost rings at her door
seeing no one out there
she crumbles to the floor
please spare her from despair

brother Bill generous
shares his blessings daily
though strong and courageous
he sometimes grows weary
routine never ceasing
hasn't he earned reprieve
must his words keep paving
the return of his Eve

on his own poor Kerry
wants to move overseas
to join his friends merry
and once more be at ease
can't you extend his range
of creativity
so he can bring the change
he's so yearning to see

and Peter is dismayed
by his circumstances
all his efforts unpaid
never bring his chances
lightworking all day long
good deed after good deed
little he does is wrong
why shouldn't he be freed

Alysson is in hell
or so suggests his name
a boy meaning so well
why should he miss the aim
hankering for a break
from his predicament
why can't he, for his sake
find steady employment

Persephone is flawed
or so she seems to think
why couldn't she be awed
and recognize the link
in how failings define
perfect trajectories
designed to intertwine
and resolve the stories

Kimmie is yet buzzing
planning for this and that
always multitasking
she wears more than one hat
isn't she deserving
for all her energy
why can't she be reaping
the desired synergy

and Gary is teaching
inimitable voice
that of heaven reaching
we have to make the choice
the mystery within
hints at the solution
the answers lie therein
pray confirm his vision

Eloura is upset
in her understanding
she is right on target
so she shuns the warning
blind as to the error
that causes her illness
she shoots the messenger
save her from this darkness

Eva too is lonely
upsurges of anger
and sudden enmity
are nothing to help her
in her soul restlessness
friends coming and leaving
can't you in your kindness
grant the peace she's craving

Chris is often tired
undertaking the vow
a pure land required
in the here and the now
an eight-year wide desert
whirlwind of creation
can't you with him concert
and back his solution

the church of the joyful
has for only dogma
happiness bountiful
solves all enigmata
some shout their bliss aloud
but vain simulation
dire needs doesn't shroud
please still their affliction

and how many do share
that which is not given
hurting the ones who dare
pluck the fruits of heaven
thus their mirror is bent
takers' economy
when their merit is spent
pray ease their misery

and as their world crumbles
wrongdoing they deny
when the setback humbles
they blame the gods on high
eyes open by chagrin
angels fall from the sky
teach them that there's no sin
is the tempter's best lie

all the friends of freedom
hoping for more justice
a new kind of kingdom
with no king nor malice
cannot they realize
that it is in their hand
that they must strive to rise
to reach the promised land

in judging wrong and right
and punishing the foes
among themselves they fight
of conflict in the throes
how hours are wasted
in wars horizontal
prizes never tasted
efforts detrimental

love is the only choice
upward the only road
finding our own voice
yet partaking the load
we're bound by objective
endeavour vertical
together supportive
attain the pinnacle

can you allow this wish
must we first relinquish
our skepticism
is faith spoilt by blemish
merciless obstacle
or must we accomplish
our own miracle

Views: 27


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