Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

The Threshold Bookcast : Chapter 17 : Where Will You Be

Chapter 17 : Where Will You Be

The central character of this week's instalment of The Threshold Series is Rahu Lüli, the young cenobite from Kõrgus.

At the beginning of the chapter, the teenager is getting ready to leave the monastery, and he ponders the events that have led him to believe that he has found the identity of the next spiritual leader of the remote community.

« As he finished putting his things in his backpack, the novice recalled how he had come to the decision. After what Kasulik Sõber had revealed, when he had climbed to the plateau where the solar panels were arrayed, the visions of the unknown lady had increased in frequency, and their details had become more precise. His original impressions had been confirmed. The woman in his glimpses neither had the physiognomy nor the skin pigmentation typical of the people of Kõrgus. Moreover, she was very pretty, and in fact her features starkly contrasted with her white hair, suggesting she was actually much older than what her vernal face led him to believe. And considering her clothing, she was clearly some sort of religious figure. »

Proceeding towards the gates of the cloister, the boy will encounter friends whose influence could very well make him reconsider his plans.

I hope you enjoy « Where Will You Be, » the seventeenth and penultimate episode of the first season of the Threshold Bookcast ! See you next week for the conclusion !

On a background of environmental and financial crises, and religious influences intertwining with political manoeuvres to determine the fate of an overpopulated planet, The Threshold Series chronicles the saga of the Ovelian civilization, a society very similar to our own, as it heads towards one of the most dramatic chain of events of its history.

The first book, « 2206 : Window Onto A New World, » focuses on the end of the year 2206, which culminates on an important federal election that will be impacted by the discovery of an anomaly in the nearby outer space.

Each episode of The Threshold Bookcast consists in a complete chapter of the series, made available for free online reading.

For more details about the series and the bookcast, please see the introduction.

The previous chapters are available here :

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