Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Magnetic field of two bar magnets with unlike poles » by Alexander Wilmer Duff)

« Come Back » dates back to the epoch of The Fall Children, the band that was supposed to be but never really was, and whose unexpected but timely demise cleared the space which Poligraf needed to come into being.

This is an enigmatic piece for me as both music and lyrics have been reworked and reorganized many times over the years, yet I’m never completely satisfied with the end results, which is kind of strange for a piece which is basically a simple song with an extended instrumental ending (as opposed to a lengthy suite for instance). That being said, as it stands now, I find the music convincing, except for the choruses which need an arrangement.

The song depicts the circumstances of a person hoping to reunite with a long-lost loved one. I'm currently working on lyrics with a view of including the piece on Poligraf's third full-length album tentatively entitled « Zen and the Art of Navigating the Cosmos. » Therefore, I'm trying to tell the story from the point of view of someone who uses their own feelings and visions along with traditional divinatory tools (such as astrology and tarot) in order to reach the desired future, pretty much as a pilot would use their instruments to reach their destination. Hopefully this new angle will provide enough inspiration to bring the piece to a satisfactory completion.

Here are parts of this work in progress :

Walking at night through the city
Miles away from your stare
Absorbed in memories of you
No distance I can't bear

My Evening Star for you I long
This love knows no delay
Dark of the moon, the feeling's strong
To be with you I pray

Still have this flame burning inside
Bright as the light of day
Lately the signs have multiplied
Hope tomorrow's the day

How time flew by, yet in hindsight
Few beats did not belong
My mind never figured I could
My heart knew all along

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