Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Guardian Angel, » sculpture by Josep Llimona, photography by P. B. Obregón)

« On The Wings Of My Guardian Angel » is one of the rare pieces of the Poligrafic repertoire which follows a traditional song form. It was written in less than two days, during times of uncertainty and need, and is intended to evoke a mood of persevering optimism which eludes the weight one's own regrets, an attitude thanks to which one can successfully move past trying circumstances.

Both the music and the words came out at the same time, which is also exceptional inasmuch as I generally finish the music first, and then strive, wait, struggle, and hope for the right lyrics to finally come into view.

The music is based on a simple chord progression that I used to play on the classical guitar, but until that flash of inspiration I had never really heard the interest of it. Some of the words are actually excerpts from Jonathan Cainer's astrological forecasts, which I consulted on several occasions over that particular weekend.

Do you remember when
Things would happen
Have we wandered since then
Far from heaven ?
Seems to me

Roads to hell and
Good intentions, oh anything
For a taste of liberty
And a kiss from my
Guardian Angel

The door opens again
I still want in
If I had known back then
The price of sin
C'est la vie !

But the seer says everything
Is the way it needs to be
On the wings of my
Guardian Angel

And if at first you don't succeed
Just wait for the tide to recede
You will get everything you need
Just in time

Though you don't see where it will lead
Your heart knows which calling to heed
And in due time you will be freed
Just in time
In time

I remember when
Things would happen, so many things
I should have known by then
I had heaven
Blessing me

Still no sign
Yet the seer is repeating
All is the way it needs to be
On the wings of my
Guardian Angel

And if at first you don't succeed
Just wait for the tide to recede
You will get everything you need
Just in time

Though you don't see where it will lead
Your heart knows which calling to heed
And in due time you will be freed
Just in time
In time
You will have your time

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