Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

There is a war, a very ancient war, between the spirit of Elijah and the spirit of Jezebel. In this age-old battle, Elijah represents the interests of heaven: (not Jesus, but a type), the call to repentance and the return to God. On the other hand, Jezebel, represents that unique principality whose purpose is to hinder and defeat the work of repentance. (Satan)




To understand the conflict between the Elijah spirit and the spirit of Jezebel, we must understand these two adversaries as they are seen in the Scriptures. Elijah is bold, Jezebel is brazen. Elijah is ruthless towards evil, Jezebel is vicious towards righteousness. Elijah speaks the ways and words of God, Jezebel is full of witchcraft and words of deceit. This war continues today between these two spirits. The prophets are the chief warriors on either side. Elijah was the head of the prophets under him where the sons of the prophets--literally hundreds of seers and prophetic minstrels--who proclaimed the word of the Lord. In this war, however, Jezebel had viciously and systematically murdered all of Gods servants until only Elijah remained. (1 Kings 18:22). Elijah, as the last prophets, then challenged the 450 prophets of Baal and the 400 prophets of the Asherah to a demonstration of power: their gods against the power of the Lord. These 850 men were the false prophets, the satanic priests "who eat at Jezebels table" (1 Kings 18:19). They were the most powerful, demonized individuals that the host of darkness could produce. King Ahab, Jezebel's husband, sent a message out to "all the sons of Israel," and the nation came to witness the conflict between the God of Elijah and the demigods of Jezebel.


The God who answers by fire, He is God. Six hours later the cult priests still could not produce fire. Twelve hours passed and Elijah began to mock them. (1 Kings18:24). Elijah prayed over his sacrifice and the fire fell. (1 Kings 18:38-39). Immediately after this powerful witness of the Lord, Elijah had the Hebrews hold the prophets of Baal and all of them were put to death. Instead of Elijah going to finish off Jezebel he came under spiritual warfare. Jezebel, in a fit of rage, released a flood of witchcraft and demonic power against Elijah that put fear into his heart and Elijah ran. What pressure overwhelmed this great man of God that he would fall prey to fear and discouragement? The spirit of Jezebel.


When you war against the principality of Jezebel, even though you stand against her lusts and witchcraft, you must guard against the power demons of fear and discouragement: for these she will send against you to distract you from your warfare and your victory!


It is an established principle in the spirit realm that one can impart a measure of the spirit-side of himself to another without the fullness of his own spirit diminishing.  We see this when the spirit which was on Moses was placed upon the seventy elders, (Numbers 11:24-25; Deuteronomy 34:9).  We can behold this in the process of the father's sins being passed on to the children (Exodus 34:7).  And, of course, we see this in Christ's Spirit dwelling within us.  Now we can understand how the spirit of Elijah was sent to minister through the soul of John the Baptist.  Elijah's spirit had once before been placed upon Elisha, the prophet who succeeded Elijah, received a double portion of Elijah's spirit (2 Kings 2:9-10).  Again, the spirit of Elijah was ministering, activating, inspiring, and creating in John the Baptist that same kind of intensity which dwelt in Elijah himself.  John was to go "as a forerunner before Him (the Lord) in the spirit and power of Elijah"  (Luke: 1:17).  Jesus said of the Baptist, "he himself is Elijah, who was to come" (Matt. 11:14, 17:11-13).  The spirit of Elijah was commissioned and sent into the world.


Like Elijah, John proclaimed the need for repentance wherever he saw sin.  He did so in the adulterous lives of King Herod and his wife, Herodias.  When John confronted them, Herodias had him imprisoned (Mark 6:19).  But who was this manipulating and controlling in the dark, spiritual side of Herodias?  As Elijah's spirit ministered through John, so Jezebel had surfaced into this world through Herodias.


What Jezebel did to Elijah in the wilderness, Herodias now did to John;  Jezebel hurled fear and discouragement, which leads to self-doubt and confusion, against the servant of God.  John the Baptist, who had visibly seen the Spirit descend as a dove upon Christ, who heard God's audible voice bearing witness that Jesus was the Son of God, was now asking if Jesus was truly the Messiah, or should they look for another (Math. 11:3).  "and a strategic day came when Herod...gave a banquet" (Mark 6:21).  In this war against Elijah and Jezebel, Herodias had her daughter dance before Herod, enticing out of him a promise to give whatever she asked.  At her mother's request--she demanded the head of John the Baptist.

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Comment by Susan Owens-Williams on September 18, 2011 at 10:12pm
I thank you very kindly for writing about the spirit of Jezebel.  It is so active in the church, especially through intimidation and bribery, and immorality, puppetry and manipulation.  thanks again

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