Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

This spirit can and will also operate through men.  In fact, Jezebel seeks highly refined qualities of the professional musician, especially when such a man has both the ambition and the opportunity to become a worship leader or director.  It will also seek to surface in the pastor himself, in which case he will become very authoritarian and unyielding in his control of the church.  Such pastors have been at the base of why many churches today have split.  Yet, this spirit prefers the traits of a woman's nature.  And since certain female ministries are more involved than others, it follows that they would be targets for the spirit of Jezebel.  This spirit will seek to maneuver itself into leadership positions.  Jesus, said of Jezebel, "(she) calls herself a prophetess" (Rev.2:20).  A woman can most certainly function prophetically; she can be anointed by God to serve in delegated authority as a prophetess.   But, when she insists on recognition, when she manipulates the male leadership in the church, beware.


Warfare has come against prayer leaders, church secretaries, worship and song leaders, pastors and wives, you all are especially targeted by this spirit.  Each of you should be a part of a church "warfare team" that is trained to war against Jezebel.




Jezebel's worst enemies are prophets: her worst fear is that people will embrace repentance.  Jezebel hates repentance.  This spirit will infiltrate the church, masking its desire for control with true Christian doctrines, it will hide from true repentance.


Jezebel hates humility.  Jesus taught that greatness in the kingdom was not measured by what we seem to be, but in childlike honesty of heart.




We must learn that spirituality is measured in meekness, not power.


Jezebel hates prayer.  Intercessory prayer pries her fingers off the hearts and souls of men.  It sets people free in the spirit.  When you pray it binds her.  When you pray against immorality, it cripples her.  When you pray for a submissive heart, it is like trampling of Jehu's horse upon her body.


Jezebel hates the prophets, for the prophets speak out against her.  The prophets are her worst enemies.  When she wars it is to stir people against the message of the prophetic church.  More than she hates the prophets, she hates the words they speak.  Her real enemy is the spoken Word of God.


Jezebel's ultimate hatred is against God Himself.  She hates the grace God lavishes upon His bond servants even after they sin.  She hates the fact that God will take the weakest and lowliest and use them to bring her down.  She hate holiness and purity of heart that comes from God and surround those who serve in His courts.

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