Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer


2 Timothy 4: 1- 8

A few nights ago I was in my sleep waging a war on the devil with the Word of God as my sword and realized how important it is to know God is IN us!

Jesus told us that the thief (devil) comes to steal, destroy and kill BUT HE gives us life and more abundantly!  John 10: 10

As born-again, Spirit filled children we  have been given power over the devil through the Name of Jesus Christ and God promised nothing shall by any means hurt us. Luke 10: 19

There are two kingdoms and we know that we have been delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the kingdom of His Son. Col. 1: 13, 14

Our risen Jesus Christ declared that ALL POWER has been given unto Him in heaven and on earth and commanded us to go into all the world and preach  the Gospel to every creature making them disciples of our Lord.  When we do this He promised to be with us till the end of the world.   As a result of His resurrection He said we are to go and lay hands on the sick in His Name and they shall recover, to cast out devils and set captives free.  Mark 16: 15-20

The Lord also said what we bind on earth will be bound in heaven and what we loose on earth will be loosed in heaven in His Name.

God has also equipped us with an armor to fight against the devil.  Jesus has already defeated the enemy but we must enforce that victory in Jesus Name.

Our fight is not against flesh and blood but against the spirits of darkness.  He told us to put off our old man and to put on the new man who has been recreated through Jesus Christ when we surrendered to Him.  Eph.6: 10- 18

We have been given weapons that are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds that the devil has built up in minds and to bring every thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, captive to the obedience of Christ.  2 Cor. 10: 4,

In the Name of Jesus Christ is our authority over the devil.

We also know that the precious blood of Jesus Christ is the power that breaks the power of the devil over everyone as Jesus Christ at Calvary paid the price for everyone’s deliverance from the dominion of the devil.

As His children our responsibility is to believe His Word and act on it wherever you know the devil is at work!

It is not about us but it is about God and His provisions through Christ to spread the Gospel and bring sinners in repentance, to come out of darkness and into the kingdom of God.

When each of us do our part we will all be about the Father’s business of rescuing the sinners from eternal damnation by preaching/sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them.

In view of the above God is depending upon us to make the kingdoms of this world into kingdoms of our God.  His will in heaven to be done on earth by our obedience to Him.  When we personally fail to do His will, l then we leave ourselves in a dangerous place where we will  hear Christ say,” I don’t know who you are….” at the end of life’s journey as stated in  Matt, 7: 20-29

I’m sure you are aware of many Christians who are being persecuted and suffering for the testimony of the Lord.  Pray for them that their faith will not fail.  Faith in God is the most precious possession we have and  if we must endure unto the end we shall be saved.  Be faithful unto HIM unto death and receive a crown of life!  Do not be side-tracked or make ship-wreck of your faith.

All blessings that come to us are because of that precious sacrifice on Calvary’s cross by our wonderful, Lord Jesus Christ.

Therefore, to win this battle against the powers of darkness we need to stand on redemption ground and use our authority through the Name of Jesus Christ.

God will confirm His word as you believe in your heart and act on it.  Then hold on to that confession and be determined till the enemy flees and the captives are set free to surrender to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Ours is a fight of faith against the evil spirits but if the person still refuses to repent and surrender to Jesus Christ, then he/she (sinner or back-slider) will die in their sins and be lost forever!  No sinner will enter heaven but those who have been born-again by His Spirit. (John 3: 3 and John 8: 24)  Everyone has to make a choice to believe or not to believe!  God has decreed that through the preaching/sharing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to give that opportunity to them to  make the choice that decides their eternal destiny.

Let us as His people keep sharing the Gospel and fighting the fight of faith, so we could say,  like Apostle Paul,  “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have  kept the faith.”   Verse 7

Margaret Wright

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