Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer


Wait for God to do His work in hearts and in lives.

He needs no counsel and He is not slothful!

The rosebud takes time to blossom

Do not meddle with God's business.

Do only what you can do and then watch God work out His Sovereign purposes in His own way!

Faith thanks God for His promises and rejoices for He will fulfill His Word.

Pray, "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

Resist the devil wherever he is at work.

God is never in a hurry in view of eternity.

Walk with God and be led by Him step by step.

He gives you one day at a time and daily bread

He controls ALL circumstances of your life

Trust when you cannot understand for God is at work and He will do His pleasure through you!

Be to the praise of His glory

Let your words be few

Be filled with the Holy Ghost so that the power will flow through your look, your words, your hands and your life!

You are God's light

You are God's temple

You are God's power-house

You carry the Presence of God to people.

Margaret Wright

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Comment by Stephanie K on March 17, 2012 at 8:49pm

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