Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer



REVELATION 3:3 Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.


If this was the day of our Lords' return, how would you be found? would you be found ready? would you be like the five foolish virgins? would you be like the man who built a barn for his earthly goods? we know not the time or the hour, doesn’t it behoove us to be ready now! For the Lord is telling us right now that we must be ready for his return. For it will show up suddenly, we can't be like the Romans who said peace and safety, for after it was said sudden destruction came upon them. we must strive to be Christ-like ( CHRISTIANS) followers of him who saved us from ourselves, who took on himself all the sins of the world, who is coming back for a people set apart for God( the Father) who are supposed to be representatives of the light, who are in the world, but not of the world.


We in the body of Christ have to set the example for the rest of the world, and also be an example to those in the body with worldly ways, we must have the love of Jesus in our hearts, and having that love, we must also walk in it! For the bible says that with loving-kindness have I drawn thee, and this is how we will draw back to him those who have turned away, who are still lost, have backslidden and because of fear( especially of those in the church) are ashamed to come home to him who first loved them. Let us begin today to heal the hurt, to close old wounds, to forgive and to let go those things that keep us from truly being the people that are ready to go with the Lord on the day of his return. I ask you this question, IF TODAY WAS THE DAY, ARE YOU READY?

My prayer today is that the Lord of all grace will be merciful and kind blessing us with the time to turn around, that we will forgive those who trespass against us, that we will love with the love of Jesus, and that he will keep us from all the evil, Father look upon your people, help us to know the difference between you, who are Light, and the world, which is darkness, bring us back to Holiness, that we take not our salvation for granted, and help us to trust you more and more each day, I give thanks to my God, and ask these blessings in Jesus name, amen. amen, amen.

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Comment by Kenneth King on October 7, 2010 at 10:40pm
Wanted to share this word with you all, it was something the Lord laid upon my heart, it was written a while ago, and was suggested by a friend to post it again considering the times that we live in now, I pray that it will bless you, and be a blessing in Jesus name, amen

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