Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer
MATTHEW 16:24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. 25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. 26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?
This cross that we bear, is something we must take up if we are to follow the Lord Jesus. We must also count the cost, we must be willing to forsake all, for the cause of Christ. We must give up that which we count on and in, it is imperative that we lose our hold on this earthly life that our heavenly life can lead us into the place where our Lord and Savior is. But can you deny yourself? Or is this life that you have now more precious than silver or gold, is it that pearl of great price to you? Can you bear this cross, will you give up this life, that is but for a moment to gain eternity with the Lord, will you lose this life for Jesus sake? For this cross represents the commitment to God and his Son Christ, we must pick up this cross and the responsibility that it holds denying ourselves and forsaking all others that we can follow, for there is no turning back, for no man picking up the gospel plow and looking back is fit for the kingdom.
Lets get real about it, our biggest obstacle is ourselves, we will fight against change even though it’s what we do everyday. It’s only in the Lord that we can bring an eternal change, and once the process has begun, and gets to a certain point that we begin to back off scared of what’s happening, we say to ourselves that I’m trying, but in reality what we really are saying is that I’m trying to hold on to myself, in other words that I’m going to keep this life I have, and give only what I am not using or don’t need to God. But it is in this process that we begin to lose our real life, it is only in the laying down of your life that you will gain life with Christ! It is a total surrender to him, for you will give up all for your faith, you will for Jesus sake lose this life you live, giving up father, mother, brother, sister, for the Kingdom’s sake. And what man having found a pearl of great price give it back, for that which is uncertain in this life, for we know the only certainty in this life is Jesus Christ, this heaven and this earth will pass away, but the WORD endures for ever.
Now because we place so much value and emphasis upon the life we live, and will do all to hold on to that life, let us now say that we won’t give up, we won’t give in, but we will hold on to self, and to this life that we now lead, for it is easy, and all that we desire is within our grasp, we can now seek to obtain the whole world, no matter the cost, carefree and go lucky, we can grab it all by the horns, but if in so doing we lose our soul, tell me what exactly is the point? We have to be so careful for that which we ask for, because in so many instances we get exactly that. If we lose the only real thing important in this life, which is our soul, for this soul represents the relationship, our connection that we have with God, through Jesus Christ, if we lose our connection, what is it that we really have? What can we profit if the only real value we have is given away for that which will corrupt and rot away, and how can we continue to fool ourselves into believing that this is ok. The bible says what profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul, and what will a man give in exchange for his soul? Will you give your time, your money, will you give the very thing God has first given you, which is your life, will you give all ? What will you give that you can grab hold of this eternal life?
Now let us deny ourselves, pick up our commitment, which is our cross, and follow after him who holds our life, for our life is hid with God in Christ, let us by faith believe in the Savior, and all that he has given us. Let us return to the old path that leads to Jesus, and follow after righteousness, letting go of that which is old and grabbing hold unto the new, for it is our duty, our responsibility, it is the least that we can do, giving our best to God our Father, who gave his best for us. We can do this because God has equipped us to do this, giving us all that we need to complete the work through Christ. We must now seek after Him, for he is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him, we must also study to show ourselves approved, workmen that need not to be ashamed, and we must do all to become disciples, having salt in ourselves, for if the salt has lost its flavor, it is good for nothing, but to be trodden underfoot. Let’s pray earnestly, sincerely that our Father hear us, for the harvest is ripe, but the laborers are few!
Praying always that God bless and keep you in all things and in every way, shielding and protecting, that you will prosper and be in good health, choosing life, praying God’s best to your family and household, and that the Lord will always go before you showing you the way to him, in Jesus name, amen, amen, amen.
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