Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

In a world so full of opinions and pressures, we the body of Christ ,face mountains of clouded theories and a moral dilemma that would confuse even the most loving of Christians. Each day we walk out into a world that either hates us for what we are, or attempts to simply ignore our very existence. We are the true followers of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. We stand upon the rock can not be moved, and boldly face every storm the enemy can deliver. Because we know that “thru Christ we can do all things” and that as long as we stand by Christ, we will indeed reach that light at the end of the tunnel.
The enemy of God is “like a roaring lion, seeking who he can devour”. Please note it says “like a roaring lion” meaning if we are standing by big brother Jesus, Satan is nothing more than a barking dog without teeth. The only power he has against us is that which we hand over to him. The Word of God says that we should not give any way to the wiles of the Devil; to slam shut any door that would oppose the nature of God. If we even as much as peek thru the wall of temptation, we have already allowed the enemy to have a spot in our lives, and have compromised our walk with God. Each day is a battle, not of flesh but of spirit. We choose each day to walk as Jesus did, and lay down the things in our lives that do not bring glory to his name, but would only give bad witness to Christianity in itself.
The mark of a converted Christian will be seen in their actions. The Word of God says” no man can serve two masters” If we are indeed converted men and women of Christ our actions and words will mirror that of Jesus Christ. There can be no compromise to the Word of God. If it says do it, it means do it. If it says do not, than it means do not. There is no gray zone in Christianity. There may be many opinions in the Church and in the world considering the Christian faith, but we must hold to the knowledge, that there can only be one real truth to any matter. We must be truth seekers, requiring every word to bear witness to the words found within the Holy Bible. We must be on fire for the cause of Christ and for the things of God. Carrying our cross each day for the glory of the risen savior and to be a light where darkness hides. One little light can show the path to safety in any dark room, and reveal the things that hide within it. Evil is the darkness that surrounds, it is the ignorance and not knowing: keeping us from the truths of God and our lives. Light is the revelation of truth, the fullness of understanding only God can give. Where there is light there is knowledge, and understanding of the mysteries that hide in the darkness. Jesus Christ is that light. If we submit to his teachings and to the fact that he did indeed allow himself to be placed on that cross, and that through his sacrifice, we are made righteous in God’s eyes. We have the promise that he will reveal to us all that we seek, and that one day we will walk beside him in Heaven. That though we lay down our lives today, we shall rise in Christ in another.
Richard A. Kent
Arising Voice

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