Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Let us this week focus on reflection. By reflection I mean the reflection of God
and his forgiving grace. Could the life we have lived gone a different way?
Didn't we rely on God to guild us and protect us. Did the hand of God indeed
keep us from a fate that would have altered everything we see, and the way we
see it? Today, have we given credit to the one who truly deserves it?
Blessings, How many blessings has God sent our way this week? Did we see and
recognize them when they came? Often we can miss the blessings that don't
directly impact our current status, but rather simply change direction of the
tracks we were following. Such as that point where God found each one of us, and
we put Jesus into our hearts and our lives. At that point he changed the
direction we were headed. If we look back we can probably see what could have
been, but didn't truly see the impact it had on our lives until years later.
Many have been delivered from alcohol, and drugs. Many more have been given a
new chance at life by God's direct intervention, as he changed our hearts and
minds, and gave us a new sense of true happiness. He has freed us from the
spirit of fear and confusion that grips many still today. He has granted us
healing. We are free not only in the body, but also in our spirit. Our God as
renewed us and awakened us to the reality of truth, and to the realness of his
existence. WE not only believe in a God, we believe "in" God. We have a one on
one relationship with our creator. Wow what a blessing! Many of us have been
used for things such as healing and deliverance. Being able to not only see
first hand the miracles of God, but blessed to be a direct part in it. God has
blessed us with his presence and his touch.
Look around at the many churches. Strategically placed by God's own hand, each
one playing its part in the great war for souls. Each saint of God armed with
the weapons of spiritual warfare. United together in one accord; the devil
trembles. We witness the battle and the victories won by the grace of God, and
his love for his children. That though our lives were full of sin and discord,
he saw through all of it and set out to fully deliver us from the lives that
would have surely ended badly. Often heard; we serve a God of "do over's"
.Thank God for that. No matter where we are, or what we done God still loves us
and if we reach out to him, he will never turn us away. Our God only requires
two things, our love, and our obedience to his Word. If we do this, he gives us
his promise to guild, protect and deliverer us. He promises us that one day we
will walk with him in Heaven, and that no more tears will be shed. No more pain,
no more suffering. Today, let us each take a moment and give thanks to Jesus
Christ. For the things he did, the things he does, and for the things he shall
do. Let us give remembrance to his sacrifice, and to his love. Let us consider a
day of fasting and prayer .Tell Jesus today you love him, for he indeed loves

Richard A. Kent

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