Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

"8" on the start of a film reel for the projection » by Ryan Baxter)

« Marimbariation » takes its name from the brief passage featuring the marimba that leads this seventh movement of the « Symphony of Eights. »

Once the percussive instrument concludes its opening statement, the music returns to more traditional orchestrations as it explores a succession of quirky melodies supported by syncopated rhythms.

The section culminates on a repeated phrase wherein the main riff is a restatement of a previous figure which is now being played in reverse time, producing a most suspenseful effect.

After having been exposed to much verbal virtuosity, chances are that by now you are totally convinced that it is indeed necessary to keep at least a few bottles of O·c·t·a·T·o·n·i·c handy, just in case some random ailment should hit without warning. But as you accept this much to be true, your always watchful critical sense remains on its guard and wonders how it might be possible for something to be this good. Surely, it mumbles to itself, there must be negative aspects to it. Well, guess what ? Not only aren't there any, but our commendable communicator knew that this line of objections was coming, and as always he is one step ahead of everybody...

No bad odor does it emit
You'll like what you ingurgitate
Neither will it make you vomit
Even if you exaggerate
And the doctor guarantees it
No side effects on body weight
No sicknesses does it omit
It brings you to your normal state

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