Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Nixie eight » by L. Marie)

How on Earth can a musical movement be named « Progigoriation » you ask ? Well, obviously, because it's the prog rock variation of another similar movement entitled « Igorchestral » I emphatically reply. And so it is that the music of this sixth movement of « Octoccata » is closely related to that of the aforementioned second movement, with the noticeable difference that it is orchestrated for a 5-piece rock band comprising of drums, bass, guitar, organ, and synth.

If you still entertain doubts about the virtues of O·c·t·a·T·o·n·i·c at this point, this next series of astonishing abilities should turn you into a believer, or so hopes our ever-persistent salesman who keeps on hammering out his slick speech even when the purported powers it presents border on the puzzling...

When friendship turns to enmity
Burnt bridges it does reinstate
When you miss part of the story
Plot it does recapitulate
When you betray your own country
Stranger it does incriminate
When you are scared of what might be
Future it does anticipate

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