O COME, let us sing unto the LORD: let s make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms. For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods. In his hand are the deep places of the earth: the strength of the hills is his also. The sea is his, and he made it: and his hands formed the dry lands. O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker. Fore he is our God: and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. To day if ye will hear his voice. Harden not your heart, (Psalm 95:1-7, 8)

NOW: Father God, Elohim our Creator we come before you the rock of our salvation; we come with symbol and sing of your praises, to sing of your greatness. We come before you
LORD to offer up the fruit of lips as we rejoice with a joyful noise of your splendor and power.
LORD we come with thanksgiving in our heart because you are a
Great God and greatly to be praise for all you have done for us. We come
LORD to our Creator for we know you have made us and not ourselves, we come to you
LORD with the hope of a new day knowing your created the heaven and the earth, the fowl in the air, you
LORD created the hills and the trees and we rejoice today of your greatness
O’LORD, hallelujah thank you Jesus.
We come to you today
LORD with praise and psalms because there is no god like our God no god who can form the dry land with just a word, no god can say
LET THERE BE and it is. There is no god like our God the
Great Jehovah so we sing praises unto you for we know in your hand are the deep place in earth; in your hand is all power and we celebrate you
O’LORD today we sing a new song of love and adoration of longing to be with our
KING. Father God we come to you today with joy bells ringing in our hearts for you
LORD are a forgiving God, a loving God and a kind God, you
LORD are great and greatly to be praise.
LORD we sing of your glory as the trees branches salute you, as the birds sing of your praises, as the wind blows and the flower buds and the sun beams of your glory.
We salute you
LORD today because you are God and there is no like unto you, we come into your presence and celebrate our God for he is God and we honor you with our worship today, we honor you
LORD because you think of everything, and you know who everything organ, muscle and cell must operate in our body, You,
O’LORD know our heart the deep things hidden within and you
LORD know our thoughts and how our minds wonder, it is you
O’LORD that we bow in worship to for your
Faithfulness LORD you have true to your word and your promise are Yea and Amen,
LORD GOD ALMIGHTY you have been so faithful to us even we didn’t deserve it, faithful and true is our God and we thank you as we bow in worship of your love.
LORD your are Ever-loving and Kind toward you handiwork you took the time and created us and we are fearfully and wonderfully made in your image, you took time and with each of us in detail created your masterpiece called “I” and we love you
LORD for loving us ever so gently and ever so sweetly.

LORD your love has been our saving grace and your forgiveness our strength and endurance we love you
LORD as we bow in worship of your sovereignty
LORD and we are grateful unto you
LORD for never changing and always remaining the same knowing there is nothing new under the sun; so we honor you in our worship knowing we are nothing but dust but you formed us and blew the breathe of life into us that we because a living being to worship you.
LORD we honor you today for your are a Forgiving God we are in awe of you for you sent your Son
(JESUS) that you would have fellowship with us, you
LORD sent your Son
(JESUS) and he gave his life for the remission of sin, he shed his blood that we might have the right to the tree of life we worship you today for you
LORD thought of everything and your LOVE is endless to the point of such a great sacrifice, and we bow in worship knowing we fall short of your glory everyday but your are forgiving, faithful and just to forgive us of all unrighteousness so we bow in worship.
O'LORD because we are your people of your pasture and the sheep of your hand, you
LORD are the
Great Shepherd always aware of your sheep you, LORD ARE WILLING to leave 99 for 1, hallelujah we bow in worship for you today
LORD, we bow in love and adoration for you are God and we honor you today. We bow in your presence today because we love you we kneel in your presence as we expose our love to you,
LORD let our worship be a sweet smell unto you; let our worship be pure and untainted of the things of this life, we kneel before a
HOLY GOD in worship knowing we are not worthy but your love cause us to bow in the awesomeness of thee,
LORD we ask you not to cast us out of your presence but as we seek you knowing you will be found to us as we kneel in reverence and respect of our God,
holy, holy, holy we knee today to behold the beauty of your holiness we bow in your presence for we know no flesh can dwell there, we kneel in worship as we sing our song today, we love you
LORD with our whole heart and we yield in your presence in worship because your are the
TRUE AND LIVING GOD and there is no like unto you, nothing can compare to your goodness and your grace.

We bow because your mercy is new every day; we kneel in worship to our God for he is God.
LORD as we listen to your voice as we bow in worship take away the stony heart and give us a heart of flesh that we will not harden our heart towards you and your love and forgiveness.
LORD as we bow in your presence give us an ear to hear and a heart to believe that your
LOVE for us is more than enough; as our eyes are open in the garden of peace we would be hold your glory and sing of your love. We bow in your presence as our heart melt at the impulse of your love, as we
LORD give you are heart to be mended, as we give you all of us, as we yield to your washing and purging of all unrighteousness, as we bow in worship knowing there is no love greater than your,
LORD towards your sons/daughters, as we bow in worship that the stony heart would melt today in a burst of love towards you,
O’LORD. We bow in your presence today! We bow today in worship knowing you are
LORD in Jesus name we pray and praise
Amen, Amen, Amen!
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