Luke 9:22-24 (King James Version)
Saying, The Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be slain, and be raised the third day. And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it.

Father God in the name of Jesus we come to you today as we take up our cross today in Jesus.
WE come to you
LORD Jesus to confess our faults, sins, inequities, and transgressions today and ask for your forgiveness as we selfishly seek our own pleasure forgetting our cross to bear. Father God we thank you that the blood of Jesus washes us white as snow as we deal with the thorn in our side that continuously buffets at us.
LORD Jesus we come to you today as we confess unto you the things in our hearts that you would exam them and see if there be any wickness in us; Lord Jesus as you lead us to everlasting.
Father God in the name of Jesus we want to follow thee with our whole heart and we want to bare the cross as you do for we know we can do all things through Christ Jesus that strength us to endure the trials and tribulations today. Father God we that you for your grace is sufficient for thee; we thank you that there is nothing that can separate us from your love and we thank you that our eyes are open to behold your glorious light shiny down on the path of righteousness; we thank you
LORD Jesus as we plead the blood for our daily cross of disappointment, shame, anger, bitterness, discord, jealousy, unforgiveness, adultery, fornication, lies, untruth in our gender, deception, gluttony, hurt, frustration and rejection. We thank you
LORD that you healing is flowing into our hearts as we give unto you what we can not handle as we surrender our will unto you today that you can take our stony hearts and make them of flesh today.
LORD we come to you for you Christ Jesus went to the cross for our sins and we come to you today for we know you blood done sign our names and we confess what is inside us today to you our
REDEEMER and FRIEND. We come confessing our faults to you our inability to
LET GO AND LET GOD we come because we know we can’t bare our cross and follow you without honesty and truth. LORD we ask you to fill us today as you cleanse us of all unrighteousness with you Precious
HOLY GHOST today. We ask you
LORD to have your way as we seek you with our whole heart yield for your close examination of us.
LORD Jesus we remove our mask and allow you to see what has affected our relationship with you! Lord Jesus we thank you for your love flowing in our hearts today as we cry out to you; we thank you for your love that covers and multitude of sins and castes out all fears, hallelujah.
LORD JESUS we thank you for moving by compassion on our infirmities today and spreading the balm of Gilead on our wounds, thank you.
LORD we thank you for your protection and keeping us from all temptation but most of all for forgiving us of our temptations and keeping us from falling into despair in condemnation for we know there is none in Christ Jesus. We thank you today for being a forgiving God who knows our hearts and our thoughts knowing we would never purposely hurt/anger/distract/deceive you, O’Lord for we know you know all things even what may be hidden unto man, and we thank you Jesus for covering us with your blood today, hallelujah, we thank you Jesus. Lord we know that you Christ Jesus have suffered many things and rejection as we have and nothing we go through you have not experience so we thank you for we know you understand US your people.
Lord Who are we that you are mindful of us?
Lord we thank you that everything wrong vanishes in your presence; we thank you
LORD for joy! We thank you
LORD Jesus for calming the raging sea in our lives, we thank you
LORD, today! We come to you
LORD we love and adoration for you are The Christ and we love you with our whole heart for your great sacrifice to pay man’s bond with your blood, hallelujah for blood and water flows out of you spilling to the ground that even the earth responded,
LORD THANK YOU that we were blind but know we see, hallelujah and taste of your goodness, hallelujah. Lord Jesus we come just to say thank you for deliverance, and freedom to serve you as we come running into the ark of safety today, we thank you Jesus for your blood has wash us pure and holy, we thank you Jesus for with you we can endure our cross, we thank you
LORD Jesus for you promise never to leave us comfortless, never to forsake us and we honor and praise your name Jesus today, we thank you Jesus for being the Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world and we thank you for having mercy on us.
LORD we thank you as we recall to our minds that your mercies are new everyday and we thank you that we are not consumed, hallelujah for
LORD you are faithful and just to forgive us of all unrighteousness, thank you. We thank you
LORD for you are
TRUTH and you truth edureth forever in our hearts, that we are not consumed for your compassion faileth not, hallelujah thank you Jesus. We thank you
LORD JESUS we thank you today for ask us to follow you, hallelujah thank you for choosing us for the blessed gift of salvation, Lord Jesus we thank you today for showing us the way to lose our live and knowing we gain eternal life, hallelujah we thank you Jesus as we lift this prayer of confess up to thee in Jesus name with thanksgiving for your cleansing blood.
Amen, Amen, Amen!
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