Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Proverbs 20:11-12 (KJV): 11 Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right. 12 The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, the LORD hath made even both of them.

Verse 11 - Children, like adults, are known by their actions; whether good or bad. Outward deeds reveal inward sin and need to be taken seriously. When certain types of words or actions are continually repeated, they establish a child's character. We all have known people who are habitually tardy or lie; they have bad reputations. It is important that parents not be lazy, but work with their children to develop their character. Teaching is not enough; we must also train them by patiently reinforcing good habits and helping them overcome bad ones. Proverbs 22:6 tells us to "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Notice this says "train" not "teach" a child in the way he should go. Knowledge that is learned from hearing teaching is not enough. We must reinforce what we teach by training.

It is unkind for a parent to tell their children that they will take certain actions if they are disobedient, and continually fail to follow through on their word. Children stop listening to their parents' advice if they know they will not really be disciplined. Parents who do this actually train their children to disrespect them. Many times, undisciplined children simply reflect undisciplined parents. Raising children of good character requires real love and dedication, hard work, patience, and prayer. The Bible instructs that children be brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4).

Verse 12 - Notice that this verse follows the one about how a child acts. There is a definite correlation between what a child hears and sees, and how he will act. Children imitate the role models presented in movies and television. Movies depicting strong morals inspire children to do what is right. Children who are allowed to view violence or immorality will often attempt to do the things they see. It is very important that we do not allow our children to view any media that portrays violence, occult themes and illicit sex as normal, nor should we watch them ourselves.

Pornography also deteriorates our society, by creating unhealthy relationships on all levels. Marriages are damaged, and preoccupation with lustful thoughts prevents many people from enjoying life. We must protect both our thoughts, and our children's thoughts by guarding what we allow to pass before our eyes and enter our ears. If a child views violent, pornographic images, it can have a life-long negative effect upon them. Our homes should be places where our children are protected from such evil; not where they might accidentally stumble across something that could wound and defile them. Like David of old, we must determine that we will "...set no wicked thing before our eyes" (Psalm 101:2-4).

Prayer Devotional for the Day

Dear heavenly Father, I ask You to help me keep my thoughts pure and to resist any temptation to view anything that is corrupt and vile. Lord, I also ask You to keep my children and grandchildren safe from being exposed to all pornographic material, as I know evil men and women are peddling these wicked things. Lord, deliver the people who are already bound up in this snare. Forgive them and set them free. Lord, dry up the resources behind the production of these evil magazines, books, videos, CDs and movies. Lord, move on the hearts of those in the courts and legislative branches of our government to pass the laws that will do away with and prevent pornography from spreading. Cause Your people to desire things that are good and pure and to put away things that are evil in their homes. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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