Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

There are times when I am certain that I have come to the end of my rope and shall surely fall.  It’s times like this that I have to take a stand on the word of God and his promises to never leave or forsake me.  It’s times like this that I have to conjure up just enough mustard-seed faith to keep going. There are days that the enemy just won’t leave me alone.  I don’t know why he keeps coming at me when he knows that I’m just going to run to my Father for help.  Doesn’t he know by now that I am no longer enslaved to him?  Can’t he see that after years and years of trying to attach cancer to my body that each and every time, Mercy said no! Doesn’t he understand that though I spent many years being his fool, that I am no longer his fool, but a fool for God? Doesn’t he understand that no matter how he comes at me, that I have Guardian Angels surrounding me day and night?   I ask myself, why is it that he wants me so bad?  Why is it that his pursuit of me is so relentless? Could it be that he sees something in my future that he doesn’t want to be manifested? Could it be because he knows God has great plans for my life?  Could it be that he knows that because of who I am in Christ, I will lead others to Him.  Why are you so afraid of me?  Your purpose is to kill, steal and destroy.  Why do you spend so much time trying to kill my dreams, steal my joy and destroy my faith in God? Don’t you realize that you are a defeated foe and that no weapon formed by you against me, shall prosper.  I know greater things are on the horizon for me.  My faith walk is getting stronger day by day.  Though, I stumble and may fall, I keep getting up.  Just because I mess up, don’t mean I will give up.  I know a breakthrough is on its way.  Satan has proven this to me by his unyielding pursuit of my life.  What he doesn’t understand is that even if he was allowed to take my life, he still wouldn’t be able to take my soul because it belongs to God.  So Satan I serve notice on you, because of your constant harassment, I have chosen to draw closer to God. Because of your consistent badgering, I have decided that I will go out and get more soldiers for the army of God.  Because you just wouldn’t leave me alone, I have decided no matter what may come my way, I will trust God.  So, thank you for being so persistent.   It is because of you, I am able to give God a real yes! 

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