Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

The Highest Praise

What’s the highest praise?  Hallelujah!!!  What does it mean to me?

When I say Hallelujah, I’m saying, Thank you Lord for giving your son as a living sacrifice for my sins.

When I say Hallelujah, I’m saying, Thank you Lord for waking me up this morning to see a new day.

When I say Hallelujah, I’m saying, Thank you Lord for providing food for me to eat, a roof over my head, and money to pay my bills.

When I say Hallelujah, I’m saying, Thank you Lord for giving me good health and strength to make it through the day.

When I say Hallelujah, I’m saying, Thank you Lord for giving me a sound mind so that I may understand your word and apply it to my life.

When I say Hallelujah, I’m saying, Thank you Lord for protecting me from all the fiery darts the enemy purposed for my destruction.

When I say Hallelujah, I’m saying, Thank you Lord for allowing me the opportunity to be a part of a church that’s vision is based upon your word of truth.

When I say Hallelujah, I’m saying, Thank you Lord for my family, though they may not be perfect, the bond we share is unbreakable.

When I say Hallelujah, I’m saying, Thank you Lord for all the times I didn’t see a way out, and you showed up and showed out.

When I say Hallelujah, I’m saying, Thank you Lord for chastising me when I have done wrong as a good parent should do.

When I say Hallelujah, I’m saying, thank you Lord for giving me an opportunity to praise your name.

So, when you say Hallelujah, what does it mean to you?  What do you have to be thankful for?  Take a moment and think of just one of the many things you are thankful for.

So, what’s the Highest Praise?  Hallelujah.

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