Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Glorious Sunday Morning!
Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar. Two things have I required of thee; deny me them not before I die: Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me: Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the LORD? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain.
(Proverbs 30:5-9)

Pray NOW: O' Heavenly Father, our GREAT JEHOVAH we come to you today just to say thank you for your love and protection. Father God we honor you today and we trust you! Lord we come today to let you know we lean totally on you, we trust only thee. Father God we come to you that you would reproved in our lives and that you only are worthy of our adoration. LORD we come because we don’t want to be caught up in the mist of confusion and lies. We don’t want to deny your truth nor trust in vanity. LORD we come to you today to be cleansed of all unrighteousness, to be made pure before thee. LORDwe come to you today because we are asking you to remove far way from us vanity and lies, we deserve neither poverty nor riches only you. Our hearts desire you, create in us a clean heart and renew a right spirit within us that we would not think more highly of ourselves. LORDwe come that you would feed us your word today and elevate our minds in kingdom building and relationship with thee. We come LORD because we don’t want to be full of ourselves and deny thee. We come because we don’t want to be caught up in lying, cheating and stealing. Lord we come because we desire to be purge with hyssop. We wanted to be examed by thee that you would search our hearts and know our thoughts and see if there is anything in us that is not like you. LORD give us the mind of Christ that we would speaks words that edify your people, that we would speak Life and not death.

O'Heavenly Father, LORD GOD ALMIGTY we come today for a blood bath to be set aside for you. LORDyou word tells us to come out from among them and be ye separated from foolishness, vanity and lies. satan we rebuke you and the blood of Jesus is against every false accusation, lie and deceptions that come from you. We come standing fully armored in Christ Jesus to stand after doing all we come standing on the promises of Christ our Savior. We come because we know all high places are coming down in our lives, ministries, businesses, home, jobs, health, relationships, children and finances. We stand because we know that Jehovah Nissi is on our banner and he is shielding us, we stand with confidence that we are hidden under the shadows of the Almighty's wings. We stand because we know the battle isn’t ours but the LORD and we know that he is mighty and strong in battle. We know the Jehovah Shammah is presence with us at all time. We stand knowing he will never leave us or forsake us. We standing know God is about to show us great and mighty thinks that we have not seen! We remain standing on the foundation of Christ Jesus our solid rock! LORD thank you for shield and protecting us from all hurt, harm and danger! Thank you for keeping us. We honor you GOD that keepeth Israel because we know you neither slumber nor sleep, nothing get pass you, underneath you or around you. We thank you today for being our refuge and strength our very present help in times of trouble. Thank you LORD, we come to sing your praise today as we stand knowing we are more than conqueror thought him who loves us.

We stand because we are not afraid of what man can do unto us. We stand because we are loved by a mighty God. We stand because the blood done sealed us forever more and no one can pluck us out of his hand. We stand protected and loved today resting in the hope of our Master & Savior! We LORD we reverance your diety and sovereignty today as we arise and give you praise, O'LORD. LORD WE stand in confidence today knowing without of shadow of doubt that we Win; we read the whole book and we Win! We stand because we have victory over the grave and the devil is defeat and under our feet. We stand because every lying tongue will cease! We stand because Jesus Christ came that I would live! We stand today assured that we are NOT FORGOTTEN the devil is a liar his plots and plans are destory; help is on the way in Jesus name we rejoice. We stand because we know there are warring angel all around us to protect and keep us shielded from the fiery darts of the evil one. We stand because we are rooted and grounded in Christ Jesus blood.

We stand because we are ARMED AND DANGEROUS as we enter into 2009 with praise and adoration to you LORD GOD ALMIGHTY; We stand because we are equipped in Praise and Worship to win every battle. We stand because we are positioned in heavenly places. We stand because we know PRAYER IS THE KEY AND FAITH UNLOCKS THE DOOR FOR 2009 AS YOU MANIFEST YOUR GLORY IN ALL WE SAY AND DO FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD; FOR WE KNOW ONLY WHAT WE DO FOR CHRIST WILL LAST. We stand because we know how to minister unto our Heavenly Father and we stand because we trust our God for there is none like him and we stand because Our God is a POWERFUL GOD he reigns from heaven and earth with Wisdom and Power our God is a POWERFUL GOD and he has given us JESUS CHRISTand Jesus Christ sent us the HOLY SPIRITwho leads and guides us in all truth and the truth of the matter is we Win in Jesus, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah for Greater is he that is in us then he that is in this world, thank you Jesus, we win, we win we are OVERCOMERS from our testimony and we are VICTORIOUS THROUGH THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB (CHRIST JESUS). HALLELUJAH, THANK YOU JESUS! Thank you for every battle WON in JESUS matchless name, hallelujah we pray and praise! Amen, Amen, Amen!!!!

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