Malachi 3:1-6 (The Message) The Master You've Been Looking For
1 "Look! I'm sending my messenger on ahead to clear the way for me. Suddenly, out of the blue, the Leader you've been looking for will enter his Temple—yes, the Messenger of the Covenant, the one you've been waiting for. Look! He's on his way!" A Message from the mouth of God-of-the-Angel-Armies. 2-4But who will be able to stand up to that coming? Who can survive his appearance? He'll be like white-hot fire from the smelter's furnace. He'll be like the strongest lye soap at the laundry. He'll take his place as a refiner of silver, as a cleanser of dirty clothes. He'll scrub the Levite priests clean, refine them like gold and silver, until they're fit for God, fit to present offerings of righteousness. Then, and only then, will Judah and Jerusalem be fit and pleasing to God, as they used to be in the years long ago. 5"Yes, I'm on my way to visit you with Judgment. I'll present compelling evidence against sorcerers, adulterers, liars, those who exploit workers, those who take advantage of widows and orphans, those who are inhospitable to the homeless—anyone and everyone who doesn't honor me." A Message from God-of-the-Angel-Armies. 6-7"I am God—yes, I Am. I haven't changed. And because I haven't changed, you, the descendants of Jacob, haven't been destroyed. You have a long history of ignoring my commands. You haven't done a thing I've told you. Return to me so I can return to you," says God-of-the-Angel-Armies. "You ask, 'But how do we return?'
Pray NOW: Father God we come to you today because we know you to be finery's fire we know you to be the lye soap we need to be purified of all our unrighteousness. We come to you,
LORD today to be cleansed of all unrighteousness that we will be able to stand before you with a pure heart and clean hands. We come before you today that you would treat us as gold and turn up the fire in our lives the
HOLY GHOST fire; for we want to come clean with you to repent of our wicked ways to confess our sins, iniquities and transgression for we know we have sinned against thee and thee only and done wrong in thy sight.
LORD in Jesus name we want to be washed in the blood of the Lamb to turn away and hate the things that you hate and love the things you love,
HEAVENLY FATHER GOD we cry out to you today because we need you to wash us from head to toe that we can partake in your coming; that we can come into your present with a clean heart and a right spirit,
O'LORD we want to do right by you Lord we want to serve you in purity.
LORD we trust you because we know the fire will not consume us, hallelujah!
Father we come to you today as your Leaders looking to enter into your Temple Lord for we know you are the Messenger of the Covenant, Lord we enter into covenant with you today we enter into you presence to be the
LEADERS/SERVANTS that are fit for the Master's use, we come running because we know we are you Called and we know we are your Chosen and we chose to humble ourselves, seek your face like never before turn away from our wicked ways, pray until something happen that we would hear from heaven Lord and you would heal our land, our land need a healing today, our hearts need a healing today
LORD for many of your LEADERS/PASTORS need a healing for They have felt the sting of rejection, disappointment and discomfortable as they lead your People, Your Leaders/Pastors need to be purified of the things that have happen in
2008 at the hands of those who said they love them; got their backs and are here for them. Lord for we know to be used of you to bring about a change in other in
2009 we must go through the fire, Jesus!
LORD we come to you today to let you know we will stay in the fire that you would skim the impurities as they rise to the top the impurities of sin, shame and hatred that may be well hidden in the dryness of our hearts, give us a heart of flesh as you forgive us of our sins today we know that you said If we confess our sin that you
LORD are faithful and just to forgive us of all unrighteousness that you
LORD are we pardon us today, hallelujah we bless your holy name today as we turn away sorcerery, adultery, lying, backbiting, exploit workers, from take advantage of widows and orphans, from not showing hospitality to those that don't sound like us or look like us.
Heavenly Father God we come to you today that you would
HAVE THY OWN WAY AS WE STAY IN THE FIRE, we surrender all to you
LORD, we yield our will over to you
LORD our minds and what we think should be for we know your ways are much higher than ours as you thoughts; we can't comprehend the mind of God but we know the fire is for our good!
HALLELUJAH for we what to be as pure gold, we want to be vessel of honor fit for to serve those we are held accountable to
LORD, we want to stand in you presence and hear you say Well done my good and faithful servant for you have lost things in the fire but you are pure before me, you where willing to sacrifice the home, the car, the love affair, the friendship, the fame and fortune, the bright lights, and the world to be humble, to love, to forgive and to esteem someone more highly than yourself. Well done my Son/Daughter you have been faithful over a few things I can trust you to be ruler over many. Lord we admit we need you Jesus, we admit we need you to be by our side as we walk in the fire, we admit we need thee
O'LORD to be strong and mighty in our lives today as we humble ourselves to say we need thee
LORD we need you to be in the mist of the fire today, we hate the smell of sins seeping from our pores today we need thee!
HEAVENLY FATHER GOD, GREAT JEHOVAH we come to you to be purified because we know someone in the mist of us is looking for us to be free that we can free them out of the bonds of sins. Lord Jesus as we go to the fire and let your lye soap cleanse us of all the filth that has attached itself to us; we ask you to anoint us afresh as we come out with assures that Jesus is ours and we are his, hallelujah. Send you anoint Lord we pray today to destroy all the yokes of sins, send your anointing to remove the burdens of shame, dissatisfaction, hopelessness, anger, bitterness, envy, stripe, malice, fornication, lying, backbiting, jealousy and covetous in the name of Jesus from the shadows of your people today, reveal in the fire unto us every hidden sin that would easily beseech us today, reveal your glory in the fire that we are move than conqueror and we are
LORD today because you are burning the hay and stubble in our lives, you LORD are burning away the deception that we can not be free from the burden of sin, hallelujah.
HEAVENLY FATHER GOD, LORD GOD ALMIGHTY we thank you for you never change, hallelujah you are the same today, tomorrow and forever more and you hate sin but you love us as you have given us an Advocate, Christ Jesus that come to the earth to show us the way to everlasting we just have to do what The Father has instructed us to do and not deviate from his plan and purpose for our lives, hallelujah better yet stop taking short cuts and go thought the fire that we would be filled with the fullness of the
HOLY SPIRIT our keeper, hallelujah! Holy Spirit equip us with the wisdom and knowledge of the truth of each matter in our lives, Holy Spirit have your way today, lead us to the fire without reservation and fear let your perfect love Jesus be our guide today!
LORD we honor you today for you are God and you change not or make exception to your rules; holiness, and obedience will be our garment as we worship you in the beauty of your holiness as we come in your presence with love and adoration because we made it through the fire and we stand before you pure and sanctified
WHOLE, hallelujah.
Lord you are what we have been looking for; longing for; desiring for,
O'LORD! Lord you are our Covenant keeping God you change not! You are the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, our God who never slumbers nor sleep, hallelujah. You are a forgiving God and Faithful; ever so loving kind showing mercy and grace to your Leaders daily. We honor you
LORD, you are God the Great I am and there is none greater and mightier, we honor you in our hearts today for we know you are our Father and we are you child; joint heirs with Christ Jesus and we long for us to be in your presence and you
LORD are beaconing us to go to the fire today for your love for us is everlasting and you want your
LEADERS to make it to the end unto eternal life, we honor you
LORD today for being everything we ever need, we honor you by going through the fire for we know on the other side as we come out you will be waiting us with open arms that we can run in and be safe we honor you with our hearts today as we confess our down troddening and sing praise of your love towards us today! Hallelujah we love you
LORD and we lift our voice to worship you as God today, hallelujah you are
JAH and we honor you. Lord you are Elohim our creator and you know
LORD that our position to serve you requires us to be obedient unto the fire, hallelujah!
Lord as we come out of the fire with eyes that behold your glory, ears that hear you calling our names to go deeper in you, as our hearts long to be with thee, as we run to the position of
LEADERSHIP to serve your people without our own agendas today, we thank you! We love you
LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, we love you for caring enough to take us to the fire, we love you
LORD for we are never alone you are with us even in the fire coaching us on with love to endure the fire knowing the fire will not scorch us or leave anything trace or the smell of smoke, we your
LEADER love you today for we are never alone, hallelujah. We thank you Jesus thank you as we present our heart to you today, thank you for the cleansing today, thank you! We thank you for not destroying us in our sin, hallelujah we thank you for another chance to get right before Your
LORD in Jesus name we pray and praise with thanksgiving for the great things You have done in our lives today!
Amen, Amen, Amen! For it is so in Jesus name, hallelujah
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