Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

The way to take down a strong hold of the devil is to walk in obedience to the word
If we are jealous of others their ministry or possessions etc walk in love bless then do acts of kindness to them and leave all the outcomes to the Lord
Many churches are secretly divided by envy jealousy etc and the prayer warriors are asked to bring down the strongman but the church every individual must chose to walk in love to break the strongman
We can get jealous of other in their ministry churches do this of each other and wonder why God is not moving
In Joshua we are told choose this day whom you will serve the Lord or other Gods if we have bitterness envy etc in our hearts these are our gods not the Lord
Jesus is coming very soon for a bride wearing whits adorned with jewels etc for himself but instead of whit and jewels many are wearing soiled garments and will be like the virgins left out and the door shut
Let us not be weary in due season we will reap

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