Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer


Zimbabwe needs prayer to break the evil strong hold
God has given me the ability to see in the spirit realm
Both in deliverance and also over countries
As my Wife and I have prayed for Zimbabwe her homeland
The Lord showed me Mugabe then as we prayed over the months I began to see the witch doctors standing behind him and the Lord said they keep him in power
My wife was Geraldine Ushewokunze her father was Herbert Ushewokunze he was a minister in the first Mugabe Government he was a doctor and in charge of that along with other portfolios he was also minister in charge of witchdoctors
So I knew this was confirming what Geraldine had told me
I then began to see a huge black thing behind them all. I knew this would be the prince behind it all so over the weeks I prayed and asked the Lord to show what who how this thing kept power
Then one morning at family prayer the vision opened to me
I was face to face with this huge massive dragon it was in the river it was so fat on all the souls it had destroyed
I believe this giant needs to be taken down each part of it represents a part of the bondage
Mugabe watches all eyes and listens to all so he knows all who would seek to bring him ????
It had huge steel claws gripping into the sides of the river
The scales will be representing strong holds too
Geraldine believes it to be nyaminyami the river god this thing causes all the erotic dancing and is behind the sexual sin also the cholera is in the water oh he’s also know as the water god and water spirits are worshipped there
I have been wondering if this thing run the length of Africa and the tail in that other troubled region only thoughts since I only saw the head in Zimbabwe
This thing is behind all the sexual sin so it must be driving the HIV /aids epidemic as with the cholera
I believe praying this down is for the body of Christ to take on
Tell me what you think believe and lets unite together
Mike service

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