Chris Is Risen Matthew 28: 1-17Posted by MINISTER GLORIA DALE on April 20, 2011 at 11:35pm in SUNDAY SCHOOL
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IN this lesson Matthew have six significant surrounding the resurrection he wonts to share to the people of 'God'
1. The time of the resurrection.
a. Jesus arose on the first day of the week,early Sunday morning.He was in the grave on the Sabbath,ok unable to observe the laws govering the Passover and the Sabbath HE was dead.Therefore the law had no authority over him. This is symbolic of the identification we gain in CHRIST. When we become Christians we identifies whith Christ in the death of CHRIST.ther we become dead to the (Ro.6:6
2.The first witnesses of the sesurrection
b. The first witnesses were women,not men,not even his own disciples. Mary Magdalene and the other Mary was the mother of James and Joses(27:56) Why did these women come to the tom of JESUS? Matt. said they 'came to see the the sepulchre' The greek word'to see' (theoresai) means to tenplate,to gaze,toobserve in order to grasp to think through what had happen.
Mark said the women came to 'anoint' Him (mark18:1)
3.The miraclous events of the resurrection
a. The great earthquake all he said about is that it was great.
b. the great stone rolled away. The stone was not rolled back for the benefit of CHRIST but for the witnesses to the resurrection.
Notice two things babout the Angles
He rolled back the stone for the sake of the witnesses.Hwas a ministering spirit of God's serving by helping God's people
His appappearance was dazzing. Just like lightning--visible,quick,stricking,frightening.brilliant.just like snow-white pure,glistering
Notice the Gards witness the flashing appearance and out of fer they did shake and fell as dead men.
People the power of God is awesome and terrifying. These guards was told to guard a dead man.they had no power to stand against God and his Angles. (LK.1:37)(jN10:18
Whe these women arrive they bsay a angle sitting on the stone (Mk16.5) Luke said two men stood by them(Lk:24:4) notice this they appeared as men as amessanger of God.
Thes women was told go quickly and tell the men
the obeyed.They became the first witness of the risen Lord. The first people thy told was the discourage believers (disciples) but the men did not beleive the women
The attemp to discredit the resurrecdtion by the regilous people to pay the gaurds to say they stold him away while we slept. they took the money
But the lie was found out the truth marched on.
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