Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

                 1st Corinthians 12:12

            For as the body is one , and hath many members , and all the members of that one body , being many , are one body : so also is Christ .

                          The devil loves to divide and conquer because he understands the advantage that he has over us when we are alone . The song that goes , as long as I have king Jesus I don't need nobody else is just not true as far as I am concerned . The bible tells calls us the body of Christ and because we know that Christ is not divided then we too have to stop being divided or separated .


                          We are one body having many gifts . We are one body having many denominations and we are one body having many ways of worship . I think you get it , when we truly understand that Christ is the head of us all , it should also make us to understand that no matter what local church we belong to and because we are members of the body of Christ .


                            That this automatically makes us a member of any church who names the name of jesus is just as much my sisters and brothers as the one's who goes to my church . This being said then we really don't have the right nor the ability to pick and choose who we can be good to . We have made so many laws in our churches . That instead of growing stronger in Christ and being a light.


                            We are now pitting one against the other and the devil love's it . The devil can sit back and cross his legs because  he knows that although the bible does say to be good to all people , especially to those in the household of faith , he sees us continually belittling and putting one another down . When this is the case in the church then how can we show the world what love Christ is all about .


                            When for the most part ,we are tearing down one another even more than the world . while it is one thing to know that God has a call on our lives , it is another thing to get out of the way and allow his call to have its intended purpose . It is only when we become willing to go through for the sake of love that God's call on our lives will be all the more effective .


                            It is time saints of God to stop walking in pride and being consumed with others might think about us and get on with the business of being a light unto this lost and dying world . We all have a call to fulfill and a God to Glorify !


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