Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

There are moments of discouragement, cooling times, a certain passivity which are common in the lives of those who follow Christ. You wake up and there's something to do before your devotional, when they first occupied the first place. Career going in the car but by the toils and the minivan repitiéndote a sentence that is not the Lord's Prayer but one that you pray as well as you claim it does, even in that I'm wrong, and not pray. Well, you're not the only one who feels that. But you can not stay there because if there's something about you that makes you feel empty for lack of communion with God is the Holy Spirit. And take note, that this is a sign that you're not alone and that God is on your side reanimándote not to faint.
When we got carried away by what we see our faith wanes, we are discouraged, or otherwise give us blessing and spiritually diminished. So do not give up. Watch and pray, says the word even if the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak do it. Do not be dominated by your flesh, your fatigue, your thoughts, which tell and wants to do. God gave us a spirit of self-control.
Do it. Ora, distributes these resumes, begins this personal care, changing relationships that keep you from God, spiritual starts proper nutrition, go to church where God showed his glory, quiérete, dress, invites an ice cream character you lose sleep, you sleep and wake up your back to me, that I will tell you Jesus Christ, the friend who never fails, and it is not common phrase is real sentence.
Thus saith the Lord, seek me and find me, instructs me your ways and I will direct your paths, stay away from evil and be wise. Because today starts your morning.

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