Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

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At 1:01am on June 21, 2009, Carol said…

At 3:32pm on June 6, 2009, Chosen By God said…
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At 10:43pm on June 5, 2009, Lady_angel said…

The virtue of angels is that they cannot deteriorate; their flaw is that they cannot improve.
Man’s flaw is that he can deteriorate; and his virtue is that he can improve.
- The Talmud -

At 10:43am on May 22, 2009, Lady_angel said…

God isn’t calling us to a lonely, joyless existence with the promise of a delayed reward.
God is calling us to live, to love and enjoy the challenge.
God’s formulas are roadmaps to freedom and peace.

God is saying to us:

“The only way to live is to be free. So save your heart for love and save your love for persons. Don’t ever let any ‘thing’ own you. Don’t let money or fame or power or the pursuit of pleasure put a ring in your nose and lead you around. Love persons and use things.”
And of course, this is the only way to live, to be free.
John Powell

The angels teach us to find beauty and worth in all our earthly activities.
- Terry Lynn Taylor-
“Angel Days”

At 1:16pm on May 18, 2009, Lady_angel said…

At 10:32am on May 17, 2009, Guardian said…

Hello my friend
Have Blessed Day
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At 5:05am on May 13, 2009, Pastor Vee Cody said…
At 11:49pm on May 10, 2009, maxine said…
blessed day Pictures, Images and Photos
At 9:52pm on May 10, 2009, Angie/Shinetoday said…
At 6:14pm on May 8, 2009, Lady_angel said…
At 12:44am on May 6, 2009, Lady_angel said…

At 7:16pm on April 24, 2009, Lady_angel said…

When you pray, remember that you are not praying to a distant GOD, but to the GOD that dwells within you.
Don’t just speak the words;
feel what they mean in your life.
Don’t pray from your lips, but from your heart.
Your prayers aren’t for GOD, they are for you,
to remind you of the presence of the HOLY SPIRIT within you.
When you say “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done,”
remember that you are loved and protected.
GOD has planned greater things for us than we can imagine.
The more we maintain an awareness of GOD'S unchanging love,
the safer and more at home we will feel in the world.
~~Susan L. Taylor~~

At 1:25pm on April 20, 2009, alice said…
Kathys Comments
MyHotComments Hey gurl!!! jus stpn bye to shw my cuzz sum love!!!!
MyHotComments Hey gurl!!! jus stpn bye to shw my cuzz sum love!!!!
At 9:03pm on April 17, 2009, Lady_angel said…

At 10:49pm on April 16, 2009, alice said…
At 7:04pm on April 16, 2009, LadySusan said…
At 11:33pm on April 8, 2009, Carol said…
At 5:22am on April 8, 2009, LadySusan said…
At 4:23pm on April 3, 2009, Loved By the Best said…
Love you
At 4:22pm on April 3, 2009, Loved By the Best said…
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