Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

This weeks praises are lifted for Sister Kimmoria....

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Lord, we lift praises this week for a special child of yours...and a precious friend of ours...Sister Kimmoria that You have blessed us with here at Guardians Prayer Warriors. Lord, besides Kimmoria being a mother of twin daughters...she still finds time to be not only an intercessor in forgiveness and caring, but she also finds the time to leave us all uplifting notes throughout the week. I can just hear the Holy Spirit speaking through your heart and prayers! I also know that you are a woman of wisdom...and one always growing...soaring higher. You are always one here to offer a hug or prayer to one crying out in the shadows. You are truly a blessing and I am so honored to call you my special friend! Lord...thank you for blessing me with this precious friend...Kimmoria....thank you. Whisper...and Lord I give you thanks...for our paths meeting at the crossroads of You!

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