Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Please pray for me, I am trying so hard not to be bitter, I was banned from a sight without being told why, I know in my heart that i haven't did anything to warrant this and at one time i was really good friends or so i thought with the creater and i don't understand how he can ban me and then come to my guardian page and leave a comment like all is well. Please pray that i can get past this because it is really making it hard to reach out to people and trust and i don't like this feeling.

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Yes, God is always faithful!
To: LadyK,

Letting go of Bitterness

Often the injustice of the situation in which people find themselves creates deep hurts, wounds in the spirit, and anger that is so near the surface that the individuals involved risk sinking into the trap of bitterness and revenge. Their thoughts may turn inward as they consider the unfairness of the situation and dwell on how badly they have been treated.

Bitterness sometimes distorts ideas of what is best forUnresolved anger often moves one a person to hurt the one he or she holds responsible for the hurt and sense of betrayal which they feel.

There is healing available. There is a way of escape for all who will turn to the Healer, obeying Him and trusting Him.

Father, life seems so unjust, so unfair. The pain of rejection is almost more than I can bear. My past sistuations or relationships have ended in strife, anger, rejection, and separation.

Lord, help me to let go of all bitterness and indignation and wrath (passion, rage, bad temper) and resentment (anger, animosity).

You are the One Who binds up and heals the broken-hearted. I receive Your anointing that destroys every yoke of bondage. I receive emotional healing by faith, and I thank You for giving me the grace to stand firm until the process is complete.

Thank You for wise counselors. I acknowledge the Holy Spirit as my wonderful Counselor. Thank You for helping me work out my salvation with fear and trembling, for it is You, Father, Who works in me to will and to act according to Your good purpose.

In the name of Jesus, I choose to forgive those who have wronged me. I purpose to live a life of forgiveness because You have forgiven me. With the help of the Holy Spirit, I get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, brawling, and slander, along with every form of malice. I desire to be kind and compassionate to others, forgiving them, just as in Christ You forgave me.

With the help of the Holy Spirit, I make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy, for I know that without holiness no one will see You, Lord. I purpose to see to it that I do not miss Your grace and that no bitter root grows up within me to cause trouble.

I will watch and pray that I enter not into temptation or cause others to stumble.

Thank You, Father, that You watch over Your Word to perform it and that whom the Son has set free is free indeed. I declare that I have overcome resentment and bitterness by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of my testimony.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

To Walk in Forgiveness

Father, I repent of holding on to bad feelings toward others. I bind myself to godly repentance and loose myself from bitterness, resentment, envying, strife, and unkindness in any form. Father, I ask Your forgiveness for the sin of ____________. By faith, I receive it, having assurance that I am cleansed from all unrighteousness through Jesus Christ. I ask You to forgive and release all who have wronged and hurt me. I forgive and release them. Deal with them in Your mercy and loving-kindness.

From this moment on, I purpose to walk in love, to seek peace, to live in agreement, and to conduct myself toward others in a manner that is pleasing to You. I know that I have right standing with You, and Your ears are attentive to my prayers.

It is written in Your Word that the love of God has been poured forth into my heart by the Holy Ghost Who is given to me. I believe that love flows forth into the lives of everyone I know, that we may be filled with and abound in the fruits of righteousness, which bring glory and honor unto You, Lord, in Jesus’ name. So be it! Amen.

Scripture References:
Romans 12:16-18 Mark 11:25
Romans 12:10 Ephesians 4:32
Philippians 2:2 1 Peter 3:8,11,12
Ephesians 4:31 Colossians 1:10
Ephesians 4:27 Romans 5:5
John 1:9 Philippians 1:9,11


Luv You,

Thank you for such a beautiful prayer and words of encouragement. Believe me i have let go and let God because He can do anything but fail. I have come to far in my walk with Him to let anything or anybody including myself to cause me to stumble and fall. Again thank you and May God continue to Bless you.
God bless you LadyK!

When the devil is after one of us, he is after all of us and I will stand in agreement with you against as long as it lines up with the word of God and I'm sure it will.

Its there lose Lady K you keep your eye on the real prize JESUS CHRIST a lot of us were removed do not let the devil win by trying to make you angry.stay sweet my sister
Dear Ladyk: some time thing happen in our life that me can't understand, but prayer help us to make it.

Father we no that you are the peace maker, and we come to you in the name of Jesus, help us O God to holded our peace and to love those who or the thing that we can not understand. Keep us O God in your Loving way and in your blessing peace that our feeling are not untrusting but that because of your love we can stell trust in other that trust in you. We thank you Lord for you never lost trust in us. in Jesus name we pray. Aman
Dearest Sis, You're In My Prayers let Go Let God Take Care Of This He's Already Working It Out Hallelujah* Praise His Holy Name* Amen


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