Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

To be or not to be….Abused
By Marion Jones

We as men are supposed to protect our women at all cost.
We are to respect, cherish, and adore them as the Bible says, or be lost.

I myself almost fell into that same trap.
That Lord showed me beating our women wasn’t where it was at.

We think that because we are men, we own our women like property, wrong.
You may do something out of anger, you may lay your hands on them one time too many, then their gone.

You may argue and get mad with one another, just walk away.
Go have some quiet time alone and then come back to each other.

Don’t go to bed upset or angry,
that’s when the devil gets very busy

Now abuse can happen by women too, and that’s no excuse by any means.
We have to the bigger person and walk away, leave the scene.
Go somewhere, to your secret hiding place and pray, even if you have to fall on your knees.

To be Abused or not to be Abused, that is the question.

The answer is Jesus, He will supply all your needs, He will protect you from those you are out to harm you in any way. You have to believe and trust in Him.

If a man tells you, he only did it because he loves you, then you need to really look at what love is.

God truly Loves you and your life is worth saving.
Surrender it all to Him

Copyright 2007 MLJ Recovery

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Nora, I love my Sisters of Color today. I want to give men an idea of what it is to a man. What God intended us to be with and to our Black Nubian Queens.


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