Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Hello Everyone. I have High functioning autism or aspergers syndrome.I am a female. Some of my hobbies and interests include pets, sports, camping and movies.
I am looking for E-MAIL ONLY pen pals that will accept short letters with questions like for example:
1. Do you have any pets?
2. Do you like music?
3. What type of music do you like
about every 6 months because I am a very extremely busy person with working a lot of 25 hour weeks at my jobs and at my group home with things like daily evening cleaning Chores and activitys like Walking on the Treadmill for 30 Minutes On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Circle of friends every Thursday (except June, July and August), Class every single Sunday from 8:30am-12:30pm, cooking Dinner at the group home on Saturdays and Sundays from 1:00pm-2:20pm, Working every single Saturday and Sunday at my Jobs from 3:00pm-8:00pm If you would like to be my e-mail pen pal please e-mail me at the e-mails listed below:


I am wondering does anyone have a Facebook page or a Myspace page

My Facebook name is: Channing Ashbaugh
My Myspace page is:

If so Please Add me.


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I have e-mailed you hope to hear from you


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Cash App

So a Seed
If you would like
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We have
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Cash App is safe and Secure you can find it at the ( App Store ) on your phone or your Tablet it's free

Or (Send a Message) to me Guardian i will send you my Address be Blessed.

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