Well, when God’s Mercy and Grace and Forgiveness fell on me, I saw all the results of my ways in guilt and unforgiveness leave in the flood of peace that filled my heart and soul. Like dirty water down the drain, this junk I had been carrying forever, just washed away, and Grace, Mercy and Forgiveness took up residence in my soul.
Cry? The tears flowed as freely as God’s love, and I wept all my brokenness into God’s Love and became a healed one, a whole hearted one. God was not finished.
I watched as the cross came into my heart/soul/spirit, and separated me from the world systems of ‘no-being’.
• My judgment roots, gone;
• my frustrations roots, gone;
• my blame and victim roots, gone;
• my addictive drive to control all in my life roots, gone;
• my hatred and bitterness, gone.
It was too much – I was not used to being loved unconditionally, by God. I asked God to please love me in little doses until I could accept His Love entirely. Which God immediately did – He reduced His love to little bits until I began to ask for more and more and more.
Now I want all of His Love always! And I have learned in the process of growing and being able to receive more of God’s love, about forgiveness and what it means to those in new life.
With forgiveness, I can accept who I am and whose I am, even when I fall and fail.
With forgiveness, I can see beyond the stupidity factor that people and even I get
caught up in.
With forgiveness I can focus on God’s Love and obey in Love, not by performance to
gain – but in truth in ‘being’.
With forgiveness, I can walk through my valleys of the shadow of death (with the
habit patterns of my old self, carved into mountains and rivers and plains and such)
and see the banqueting table and sit and eat and rejoice with the Lord God, My
With forgiveness, I can receive the anointing that breaks every and all yokes in my
living and breathing life, and rejoice that my cup, my earthen vessel runs over
With forgiveness, I can know that God’s Goodness and Mercy, God My Father’s
Goodness and Mercy follow me all the days of my life.
Forgiveness is life itself, freed from all the hype and drama of sin and death. OH YEA!