Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Prayer Request 911 Please respond!!!!! I need Help

Family, I am pulling my hair out right now.. Can someone please help me to understand the mind of a teenager? My daughter is now 15 and oh my God. Its like Doctor Jackal and Ms. Hyde. What’s up with the attitudes, mood swings and out right rebellion?. And to top things off she is “a cutter” For those of you that are not aware, a cutter is one a person who cuts on themselves to replace the sense of pain, and anger. Now this has made it very difficult for me to discipline, in fear that I will wake up and she would have caused more damage to herself than she wanted to.
She is now in and out of trouble in school, fighting, cursing, disrespectful toward adults and shows complete anger to family members. I just recently cut her phone off, disconnected her internet and placed her on house restriction because she purposefully went to school to start a fight and now she is suspended. I have placed her in anger management, therapy for the cutting and have gotten church counselors involved. Nothing is working and I am ashamed to admit that the last time I spanked her she swung and hit me and I completely lost it, to the point the I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit scream my name and when I looked at my child I had my hands around her neck.
I am sharing this story with you hoping that someone will read it and help me. I need my prayer warriors to help me out on this one. So please stand and agree with my prayer.. and if you have any ideas... Please share.....
Father, help my rebelling child, I am overwhelmed with worry. Have I raised this child, once little and carefree to have this happen? Will my dear one's mistake cause a lifetime of suffering? Is it all or partly my fault?
Forgive me O Lord, for the wrongs I have caused my dear child. Let me humble myself and ask this loved one's forgiveness. Let me offer no excuses. Cleanse my heart from bitterness and give me a pure, unconditional love. Grant me wisdom. Teach me when to be lenient and when to be firm. Help me that my motives will be pure, honest and aboveboard. Remind me often not to try fixing things.
Place your angels about my child. Protect from sin and harm and lead to your perfect will. Soften our hearts. Give us both a hunger to love and serve you. Now, dear Lord, I release control of my beloved child to you. I will trust you in every situation and timing. Even when I don't understand why, still will I trust and praise you. Though these troublesome times I know you are helping and keeping my dear one in your care.
Thank you for victories to come, Thank You hearing my prayers. Thank You that you can go places with my child that I can't. As the answers to prayers come, may I write them down and remember them. Praise You O God for your mighty works. In you I put my total trust.

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My Sister -- you ended the request for prayer focussed on God, which is what is makes us free -- focus. When things begin to happen around us and especially with 'family' members we care and then carry. No, no, no. When problems such as you described arise, it is not on us to 'carry' them by doing what we 'think' is necessary -- as you shared - you ended up in a place of action/activity with your hands around your daughters neck. Hmmm -- seems familiar -- energy wise to what she is dealiing with.

My point is this -- when the 'issues' arise and seem to be more than we can bear -- remember David - who went way overboard and ended up faced with the 'junk' of his doing when the prophet sent by God came and spoke. And David, who had known God from a young age woke up and paid attention.

So let's begin with you first and and your wakiing up and paying attention: your cry out to God.
First read Psalm 51 - and then pray it for yourself.
Second: Let go of all of the thoughts and emotions, cast them upon God, and Let God deal with them for now.
Third: Read Psalm 61 - and then pray it out loud, cry it out loud --

Now after this journal what comes to you and rest in God's Grace and Mercy through Jesus' Salvation (the cross). When you are set free from the 'issues' and you will be, you can then begin to pray for your daughter and deal with the spiritual powers and wickednesses in high places. email me at for the next steps - when you have completed the above and KNOW you are ready!

I pray for the peace of God to fill your heart and guard your mind from this point on,
In Jesus' name, so it is!

Your Sister in Christ,
GOD bless you sister,

As a mother of four grown children, I understand. First I speak peace to you, and command the devil to loose you and your child in the name of JESUS!
The enemy has come to steal,kill and destroy, but JESUS come to give you abundant life and unspeakable joy, full of glory. Be still and know that GOD is GOD, for the weapons of your warfare are not carnal(your fists,fussing etc.) but mighty through GOD to the pulling down of strongholds(rebellion,stubborness,violence etc.).
So, speak THE truth in love, love your child and rebuke the devil, for it's the enemy who has come to steal your child,peace and anything else that you hold so dear, especially your relationship with GOD your FATHER.
You need a memorial, have you ever rebelled against GOD, knowingly? How did HE handle you? With LOVE and KINDNESS have I drawn you, saith GOD. Yes sometimes the love is tough and thus lies hell. It's not GOD"s desire for men to go to hell, it was designed for satan and his angels, but he gives us free will.
I'm not in no means saying, let your child go to hell, GOD forbid. What i'm saying is, the way of the transgressor is hard. I pray that you forgive her of her, and yourself of your trangressions and that you as a loving mother, would seek the face of GOD. Rebuke ungodly counsel and stand firm in your calling as a child of GOD first and as a living mother.
I too have gone "fist city" with my two of my three sons ,who thought as teenagers they could challenge me, I was convicted by THE HOLY SPIRIT, because it(the physical fights) brought satisfaction to my flesh, but leaness to my soul. As a divorced mother of four, working many jobs, I had to confess, that yes I was providing the best I could, being an independent woman, with no financial or emotional support from their biological father.
So GOD convicted me, because I was too independent, even of HIM. Sister, GOD broke me in my spirit, but praise GOD, He's made me new. Just know that you are not in this alone, but, be still and know that GOD is GOD, listen to GOD's voice, HE will never deceive you, nor forsake you. HE loves you and your family so much, and HE will NOT let the enemy triumph over you. He will come!!!!!! Patiently wait on HIM in prayer,praise and worship and you SHALL see HIS glorious hand give you the victory.

There is NOTHING too hard for GOD,
sandra landry

My sister, I not a mother but I have friends that are going thru the same issues. I have seen them have more one on one time with their kids. Its something that is angering her or something she is mad at you for doing. But none the less she will act out in any way to get your opinion. Most children wants just time. But with working and working sometimes that can be hard. But Know that God has a hand in you and her and he will put no more than you can bare. You spending more time with her and understanding her in her times of needing someone to talk to as a friend. But always demand that mothers respect. Also you can also keep her busy with extra activities that keep her from having time to even think about doing wrong. No that while the devil is busy been messy , GOD is bringin forth blessing. I pray for the best with you and your daugther
Hello my friend, and God bless you.

I have raised three daughters, one a troubled teen, now a troubled adult, whose issues require not only prayer and counseling, but medication. Cutting and such strong rebellion are outer indications of an inner emotional illness that needs the diagnosis of those professionals that deal with teens. Medicine for their emotional troubles is tricky, though, as it can cause suicidal urges in some, but when monitored by a professional, this is unlikely. Doctors and proper medication, added to prayer and worship, are very much in keeping with our Lord's teachings.

Of course, I stand with you in your prayer. Amen!
But do get her to a qualified professional as soon as possible.

Love in Christ,
Guardians Tag Ministry
My Dear Friend,

I am relatively new to this site, and I am still exploring around. I found your Prayer Request of 9 months ago, and I find that members are also still following your situation months later. I think it is that we all know that problems this deep do not usually go completely away at once, even though they may dissipate gradually. Perhaps it is that in this manner, the Father is teaching us a lesson that will be more easily and fervently maintained lifelong. And even if the Father decrees that an instantaneous transition may occur, we would all have to be constantly vigilant for the circumstances to remain that way. I'm sure that you have already alerted the School Counselors, Social Worker and Psychologist to not only have periodic sessions with your daughter, but to also keep a watchful eye on the situation at hand and attempt interventions when and if possible. My final recommendation is something you may already be doing as well. I believe it may be helpful to arrange for Family Counseling with your Pastor or Church Leader with whom you both, after analytical conversations, can offer open prayer and supplication to your Redeemer King, and wherein you each can fall on your knees in deep surrender and plea to be blessed with the means for victory over the daily struggles. It is obvious in the last part of your orignal statement, that you already know the power of prayer and the right words to seek divine intervention. Just continue in that vein until the Lord "says so".

Heavenly Father, Jehovah God, our Master and King, please continue to hold these two of your children in the palm of Your Powerful Hand. God, please bless them and allow them to lead victorious lives over the wiles of the enemy. Lord, cover them both with your powerful blood of salvation so that their souls will stay anchored in the Lord. We pray for their constant ability to overcome their daily struggles with Christ-like Love. We know how often the enemy surfaces in our lives, but Father, we claim the victory. For these things we praise your Glorious and Majestic Name. Amen.


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