Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

i moved and quit my job to help my mother i found a new church home and have been going faithfully nothing will ever keep me from god but lord i walked into a trap my mother is a minister and her and her boyfriend were selling drugs out of my house with out my knowledge and i still tried to help her but i cant anymore so when i finally severed my ties she started spreading lies about me to my family ,church and on the internet and it's geting hard for me to keep turning my cheek i had to put her and her boyfriend out of my house her boyfriend was trying to kill me then she jumped on me i dont no what to do anymore i cant help her she needs prayer anly god can fix thi everybody is starting to believe her lies which i dont care but god they dont no the history i've only known her for 8yrs me and my brother grew up in fostercare due to the abuse she put us threw mentally physically emotionally and sexually pray for me and my family because i bind satan and all of his doings but i cant help her im leaving her at the alter and praying she gets it together please keep me in your prayers

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Yes I will put you on my prayer list.
God is with you.
Ken O.

i would ike to thank everybody who has prayed for me god works in mysterious ways and my aunt has truelly been a blessing to me in this time of healing for me thank you all and i will keep you in my prayers


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